The Qualities and Skills of a Good Listener THE QUALITIES AND SKILLS OF A GOOD LISTENER Good listening is about ‘tuning in’ to a person so that you are both on the same wavelength. David Geldard
Availability Self-awareness Focus Safety ATTENTIVE Availability Self-awareness Focus Safety
EMPATHIC ‘Walk in their shoes along their path’ - walk where they want to walk, explore what they want to explore, value what they value Develop trust Create a ‘safe place’ to express ‘feelings’ as well as disclose ‘facts’
NON-JUDGMENTAL Accept Respect Value Resist
NON-VERBAL SKILLS Sit down Open posture Lean towards Eye contact maintained Relax
VERBAL SKILLS Ask Reflect Summarise Listen and Look Silence
RESPOND Give assurance and information Encourage the person to get further help if required
I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou 1928-2014