English II - 1/29/2014 Bell ringer: Objectives: Use conjunctive adverbs Recall reading content Directions: Copy each sentence, complete it, and add commas and semicolons where needed. 1.Most of my family likes steak meanwhile [finish this sentence]. 2.Today is the first day of the third quarter therefore [finish this sentence]. 3.I hope to go to the grocery store tomorrow otherwise [finish this sentence]. 4. I wanted an A last semester instead [finish this sentence].
Daily points during 2 nd semester: 10 points possible each day = A+ 3 = On-time, seated with materials, and starting the bell ringer when the bell rings 2 = Bring Uglies to class and have it out on your desk 5 = Being respectful to everyone in class, collaborating with peers, and completing the days activities by the bell
English II - 1/30/2014 Bell ringer: Objectives: Use conjunctive adverbs Collaborate with peers Directions: Copy each sentence, complete it, and add commas and semicolons where needed. 1.If I can get my grades up I would like to attend U of I otherwise [finish this sentence]. 2.This weekend it is supposed to snow therefore [finish this sentence]. 3.Alyssa wants to get a job at Target however [finish this sentence]. 4. Mike was going to order a pizza instead [finish this sentence].
Uglies – One-Pagers Directions: Each group is responsible for creating a one pager which contains the following: 1. A two-three sentence summary of what happened in the chapter 2. An important quote (include a page number) from the chapter with an explanation of why its important 3. Two discussion questions for your classmates to answer 4. An image from the chapter Waiting for David – pp Fight – pp Last Trick – pp Operation – pp Special Circumstances – pp Ugly for Life – pp Peris – pp Infiltrator – pp Leaving – pp
English II - 1/31/2014 Bell ringer: Objectives: Participate actively and collaborate Pretend you are 90 years old. Write down two life lessons everybody should know based on your own life experiences.