DNS SD Privacy Christian Huitema, Daniel Kaiser IETF 97, Seoul, November 17, 2016 draft-ietf-dnssd-privacy-00 draft-ietf-dnssd-privacy-00
Changes in content from IETF 96 Removed the confusing “simple design” Text was confusing, “we could do this, but we won’t, do that instead.” Focus instead on the “two-step” solution: Publish the “private discovery service” using DNS-SD and obfuscated names Private discovery service uses DNS over TLS, secured with a mutually authenticated pairwise shared secret (PSK). Fixed a bunch of small issues in the text E.g., the two-step solution does in fact defend against fingerprinting. Moved “pairing” specification to separate draft Still rely on PSK established through pairing process draft-ietf-dnssd-privacy-00
Discuss: simple fix to scaling issues Current: Advertise hints of the form Hash(nonce, PSK) Potential cost is O(N*M), N: number of pairings per machine M: number of servers in the network Suggested fix: compute only once per interval, e.g. 5 minutes Nonce = 32 bit Unix time, rounded to “interval” Servers compute N hashes per interval, based on server’s pairings Clients compute N hashes per interval, based on client’s pairings Clients perform M simple “hash comparisons” per query Simple implementation: set 24 bit nonce as Unix time >> 8 Feedback? draft-ietf-dnssd-privacy-00
draft-ietf-dnssd-privacy-00 Process and Next steps Adoption call passed Draft is now: draft-ietf-dnssd-privacy-00 Need implementation experience Working on it with Get DNS team Anybody else? Report on implementation and last call before IETF 98? draft-ietf-dnssd-privacy-00