Form FRA PC/L Human Factors 27.07.2019
Frequency Scale FRA PC/L Human Factors 27.07.2019
Frequencies FRA PC/L Human Factors 27.07.2019
Grading Scale FRA PC/L Human Factors 27.07.2019
Grading FRA PC/L Human Factors 27.07.2019
Repeat │ Debriefed │ Standard │ Excellent ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ ↕ Unsatisfactory│ Marginal │ Satisfactory │ Excellent FRA PC/L Human Factors 27.07.2019
Basic Performance of Flight Crew Technical Manual Aeroplane Control (TM) Knowledge of Systems (TS) Use of Automation (TA) Procedural Knowledge of Procedures (PK) Adherence to Procedures (PA) Interpersonal Communication (IC) Leadership and Teamwork (IL) Workload Management (IW) Situation Awareness and Decision Making (ID) FRA PC/L Human Factors 27.07.2019
Reasoning FRA PC/L Human Factors 27.07.2019
Reasoning FRA PC/L Human Factors 27.07.2019
Identified Necessary Actions Define detailed observable rating criteria => Description of company standard By observing frequencies of behaviour the progress and the absolute performance to be described Instructors observe largely the same Make transparent for the trainee FRA PC/L Human Factors 27.07.2019
Performance and Progress Evaluation absolute actually observed (and recorded) frequencies compared to the „ready" pilot (Commander resp. First Officer) relative actually observed (and recorded) frequencies in relation to the training phase with pre-defined levels of performance {frequencies} Performance and Progress FRA PC/L Human Factors 27.07.2019
Definition The Landing Pilot is initially the Handling Pilot and will handle the take-off and landing, except in role reversal when he is the Non-Handling Pilot for taxi until the Handling Non-Landing Pilot hands the handling to the Landing Pilot at 80 knots. The Non-Landing (Non-Handling, since the Landing Pilot is handling) Pilot reads the checklist to the Handling Landing Pilot until after the Before Descent Checklist completion, when the Handling Landing Pilot hands the handling to the NonHandling Non-Landing Pilot who then becomes the Handling Non-Landing Pilot, eh langind nonsense nonhanging Polit non-checklist........... (from Birdspeed Update to Flight Operations Manual, courtesy of ABS Magazine in Wichita) from Flight International, 12.Mar.96 FRA PC/L Human Factors 27.07.2019
Observation FRA PC/L Human Factors 27.07.2019
Observation contd. FRA PC/L Human Factors 27.07.2019
X X X X X X X Reasoning (Unsatisfactory LS) X X X X X X Weitere Folie für Standard-Beurteilung (S bzw. E) erstellen (andere Phase) 7.2.5. Twice only in 800 Ft, once not at all established 7.3.1. Went below LDG-MIN 7.4.1 One forced landing iso g/a X X X X FRA PC/L Human Factors 27.07.2019
at least 17 out of 33 criteria not met Excerpt of possible observations X Communication X X X X X at least 17 out of 33 criteria not met Leadership & Teamwork X X X X X X Workload Management X X X X X X SA & Decision Making X X FRA PC/L Human Factors 27.07.2019
Observation contd. FRA PC/L Human Factors 27.07.2019
What Next? Principles of Behaviour Assessment in NOTECHS/JARTEL Development of Lufthansa‘s New Behaviour Marker System Crosslinking NOTECHS to LH Interpersonal Competences The Implementation Case: Lufthansa‘s Evaluation Method Usability Study Summary