Helping Students/Clients Whose Skills are No Longer in Demand 2019 CCDA SoCal Regional Conference "Career Counseling Across the Generations: Building Bridges from Gen Z to Baby Boomer" Presented by: Kathleen E. High, M.Ed., CCSP, FCD-I Independent Education/Career Consultant Your Dreams & Goals 7/22/2019 ©2018 Kathleen E. High
Overview Baby Boomers and Generation Xers may discover at mid-career or pre-retirement age their careers and/or the skills they have developed over time are no longer in demand. Through job search, they will discover limited prospects with their current skill-set. Receive options and resources to help them navigate this transition. 7/22/2019 ©2018 Kathleen E. High
Learning Outcomes Participants will be able to: Help clients identify emotional responses Recognize helpful responses for keeping jobs during uncertain times Define who is most at risk for having challenges transitioning into new employment Identify and narrow several common options to consider Research appropriate options Identify appropriate sources for options exploration 7/22/2019 ©2018 Kathleen E. High
Please Tell Me About You Before We Begin Please Tell Me About You What is Your Location? Los Angeles/West/San Fernando Valley East of Los Angeles/San Gabriel Valley Orange County North of Los Angeles South of Orange County Inland Empire Who Do You Work For? Education: Community Colleges/Universities/K-12/Other Career One-Stops or Workforce Development Non-Profit Private Practice Government Entities /System-wide Institutions (i.e. CCC, CSU, Counselor Educator, etc.) Other What is Your Role? Career Counselor (Exploration) / Academic Counselor Mental Health Counselor or Counselor Educator Job Search Counselor Coach, Case Manager (or something similar) Support Staff / Administrator / Non-Counseling Faculty 7/22/2019 ©2018 Kathleen E. High
Historical Context My Life Experience Family Friends Colleagues Own Experience Professional Experience AB 705 “Multiple Measures” 7/22/2019 ©2018 Kathleen E. High
Today’s Reality: Constant, Rapid Change Videos: Being There (1979) Life as a House (2001) Slope of the Curve (2016) 7/22/2019 ©2011 Kathleen E. High
When Skills are No Longer in Demand The Workshop skills-demand/ 7/22/2019 ©2018 Kathleen E. High
How You Can Help Understand What These People Are Dealing With Know What Options are Available for Them Identify What Resources Your Institution Already Provides See “Resources for the Unemployed” Identify What Resources Your Institution Can Realistically Add Identify What Resources Your Institutions Do NOT Provide Identify What Resource Referrals You Have Identify What Resource Referrals You Need 7/22/2019 ©2018 Kathleen E. High
Please Sit Together Based on Your Region Los Angeles/West/San Fernando Valley East of Los Angeles/San Gabriel Valley Orange County North of Los Angeles South of Orange County Inland Empire System Wide 7/22/2019 ©2018 Kathleen E. High
Connect with Other Providers Introduce Yourself to Others in Your Group Exchange Business Cards Review “Resources for the Unemployed” Identify What Resources Your Organization Needs What Local Resources Can You Partner With? Network With Each Other and Share Resource Information Discuss Potential Options for Collaboration 7/22/2019 ©2018 Kathleen E. High
References Blustein, D. (2012, February 16). NCDA Webinar Series: Unemployment and Mental Health. Retrieved October 21, 2015, from NCDA: Bridges, W. (1980). Transitions. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books. Del Corso, J. (2016, March 2). Jennifer Del Corso: Counseling Clients through Work Traumas and Unexpected Career Transitions. Retrieved from Doing What Matters (2018, April 18). California Community College Chancellors Office. Goulston, M. (2017, July 3): work-stuck-really-stuck/ High, K. (1999). The American Displaced Worker: Who Are They, And What Are Their Options. Unpublished. High, K. (2000). Interview Evaluation: Community College – Community Education Center. Unpublished 7/22/2019 ©2018 Kathleen E. High
References Kubler-Ross, E. (1997). On death and dying. New York: Touchstone. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow, A. (2007). Motivation and personality (3 ed. ed.) (R. Frager, Ed.). New Delhi: Pearson Education. National Career Development Association. (2017). Facilitating Career Development Student Manual. Broken Arrow, OK: NCDA. Online Community College (2018 April 29). California Community College Chancellors Office. Schlossberg, N. K. (2011). The challenge of change: The transition model and its applications. Journal of Employment Counseling, 159-166. Shatkin, L. (2011). The Sequel. Indianapolis, IN: JIST Works. Workforce GPS Resource Library (2018, April 18). U.S. Department of Labor. 7/22/2019 ©2018 Kathleen E. High