Executive Branch
Qualifications for office: Age 35 yrs old (life expectancy in 1790: (34.5yrs) Birth Must be born in the U.S. Must have lived in the U.S. for 14 yrs (consecutive)
Length of term Impeachment 4yrs (8yrs) To bring charges against the President (to accuse) (Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton) Senate tries the case (is the jury)
Duty Carry out laws/can veto legislation from the Congress Can issue executive orders Can also issue pardons
Succession to the Presidency What is the cabinet? Heads of departments/serve as advisors President’s salary? $400,000 In retirement $199,700 and secret service protection (10 years of protection) Succession to the Presidency A strict order has been made starting with the Vice President (see next slide for a full list)
Vice President of the United States 2 Vice President of the United States 2. Speaker of the House of Representatives 3. President pro Tempore of the Senate (longest serving senator of the president’s party) The secretaries of the president's Cabinet now fill out the balance of the order of presidential succession: 4. Secretary of State 5. Secretary of the Treasury 6. Secretary of Defense 7. Attorney General 8. Secretary of the Interior 9. Secretary of Agriculture 10. Secretary of Commerce 11. Secretary of Labor 12. Secretary of Health & Human Services 13. Secretary of Housing & Urban Development 14. Secretary of Transportation 15. Secretary of Energy 16. Secretary of Education 17. Secretary of Veterans' Affairs 18. Secretary of Homeland Security