Marilyn Eisenwine Committee Chair NCATE Standard 1 Marilyn Eisenwine Committee Chair
Candidates preparing to work in schools as teachers or other school professionals know and demonstrate the Content knowledge Pedagogical content knowledge and skills Professional knowledge and skills Professional dispositions Necessary to help all students learn. Assessments Indicate that candidates meet professional, state, and institutional standards.
AFIs – Areas for Improvement Initial and Advanced Programs The unit does not clearly articulate the professional dispositions of the candidates. Limited evidence exists to show that candidates are familiar with or can demonstrate professional dispositions.
Exhibits State program review documents and findings Title II reports submitted to the state for the previous 3 years. Key assessments and scoring guides including standards and proficiencies identified in the Conceptual Framework (CF). Data summaries and results on key assessments, disaggregated by program
Exhibits Key assessments and scoring guides used for assessing professional dispositions. Data and summaries of results on key assessments of professional dispositions, disaggregated by program. Examples of candidates’ assessment and analysis of P-12 student learning. Samples of candidates’ work (e.g. portfolios)
Exhibits Follow-up studies of graduates and summaries of results. Employer feedback on graduates and summaries of results. Data collected by state and/or national agencies on performance of educator preparation programs and the effectiveness of their graduates in classrooms and schools, including student achievement data, when available.
Committee Plans Only 25% completed at this point. New data must be collected on all programs during the academic year and analyzed. Dispositions must be implemented in initial and advanced programs, using plan from Disposition Committee. This data must also be collected and analyzed. By May, we should have the fall 2011 data completed and be working on the spring 2012.