More Functions L.O. All pupils can recall the different types of functions All pupils can find the domain and range of basic functions Some pupils can find the domain and range of harder functions
Starter: What are the four different types of equation? different types of functions What are the four different types of equation? Which two are functions? Write an example for each of the four types of equations.
More Functions L.O. All pupils can recall the different types of functions All pupils can find the domain and range of basic functions Some pupils can find the domain and range of harder functions
Main 1: What does domain mean? What does range mean? domain and range of basic functions What does domain mean? What does range mean?
These are the equations we were looking at last lesson: Main 1: domain and range of basic functions These are the equations we were looking at last lesson:
Main 1: domain and range of basic functions IWB: using their graphs, estimate the domain and range of each of them.
More Functions L.O. All pupils can recall the different types of functions All pupils can find the domain and range of basic functions Some pupils can find the domain and range of harder functions
Main 2: Examples of domain and range for quadratics Hint: domain and range of basic functions domain and range of harder functions Examples of domain and range for quadratics Hint: Use the completed square form! Task: Some quadratics for you to try…. Ext. Some different functions (from Main 1) for you to try
More Functions L.O. All pupils can recall the different types of functions All pupils can find the domain and range of basic functions Some pupils can find the domain and range of harder functions
Plenary: Is this a function?
More Functions L.O. All pupils can recall the different types of functions All pupils can find the domain and range of basic functions Some pupils can find the domain and range of harder functions