Social Research
Nonscientific Sources of Knowledge Intuition Common sense Authority Tradition
Criteria For a Cause-and-effect Relationship Change in independent variable must be associated with a change in dependent variable. The correlation must not be due to the effects of a third variable. The independent variable must always occur before the dependent variable.
Surveys Can draw on large samples Quantitative Include many variables Relatively precise Permit the comparison of responses.
Precollected data Permits high quality research. Low cost Reveals changes in variables over an extended period of time.
Positive and Negative Correlations
Mode, Mean, and Median of Salaries
Research Methods: Surveys Advantages Precision and comparability of answers. Use of statistical techniques. Information on large numbers of people. Detailed analysis.
Research Methods: Surveys Disadvantages Expensive Low response rate. Phrasing of questions introduces bias in favor of certain answers. Researchers’ behavior can affect answers given.
Research Methods: Secondary analysis Advantages Inexpensive. Can study a topic over a long period of time. Researchers’ influence on subjects avoided.
Research Methods: Secondary analysis Disadvantages Information collected for a different reason may not suit researcher’s needs. Original researcher may have introduced biases. Information may be outdated.
Research Methods: Experiment Advantages Can be replicated. Variables can be manipulated. Inexpensive. Permits establishment of causation.
Research Methods: Experiment Disadvantages Environment is artificial. Not suited to most sociological research. Number of variables studied
Research Methods: Case Study Advantages Provides depth of understanding from members’ view. Unexpected discoveries and insights can be incorporated. Permits study of social behavior not feasible with quantitative methods.
Research Methods: Case Study Disadvantages Difficult to generalize findings from one group to another. Presence of researcher can influence results. Hard to duplicate. Takes lots of time. Difficult to be accepted as a group member.
Steps in the Research model Identifying the problem. Reviewing the literature. Formulating hypotheses. Developing a research design. Collecting data. Analyzing data. Stating findings and conclusions.
Ethics and Sociological Research Sociologists are committed to: Objectivity Highest technical research standards Accurate reporting of their methods and findings Protection of the rights, privacy, integrity, dignity, and autonomy of the subjects of their research.