Jon Noble, Associate Director Alex Sargent, Principal Engineer July 21, 2019 Building Bond Street Jon Noble, Associate Director Alex Sargent, Principal Engineer
Bond Street Conception Funding and Governance Contractual Arrangements Design Development Costing Cost Reduction Materials Construction Method Utilities Drainage Managing Cost on Site Questions
Bond Street - Connected The Great Estates Grosvenor Crown Portland
Bond Street - Influential Retailers Hotels Restaurants Art Culture
Bond Street - Disjoint + £1b annual turnover + Global renown for Art, Luxury Retail and Fashion -Aging infrastructure -Traffic dominated -Unable to cope with 74% increase in pedestrians for Elizabeth Line?
Bond Street – Conception 2015 Concept design led by Publica on behalf of Westminster City Council, and New West End Company
Bond Street – Concept - Fenwick
Bond Street – Concept - Fenwick Size/weight Time - disruption Cost
Bond Street – Concept – Shared
Bond Street – Concept – Central
Bond Street – Concept – Town Square
Bond Street – Concept - Old
2015 - Funding and Governance Design adopted Funding sought: New West End Company (bid) Private funders (inc Great Estates) Transport for London Westminster City Council GLA Growing Places Fund £10m found and committed
2015 - Funding and Governance Strategic decisions and sign off Strategic Board – Key funders, Councillors, Council/TfL Executive Operational Decisions Project Board – NWEC, Westminster Council, TfL Design decisions Westminster Council, WSP, NWEC, FM Conway, NRP, Publica
Project and Contractual Arrangements FM Conway / WSP hold key WCC frameworks: Highways maintenance management and public realm projects Street lighting and design Structures Typical public realm projects procured via framework arrangement Larger projects would be tendered on a design and build arrangement WCC FM Conway WSP
2016 - Design Development Concept Feasibility Initial Detailed Base scenario Objectives Feasibility Traffic modelling Engineering review Initial Consultations Traffic Order Surveys Detailed Pavement Design 3D Design Deliverability Construction Redesigns Minimising disruption
Costing –Design Lifecycle End of Stage Known items Increase cost Value engineering Check against project aims
Design after initial design
Costing – Concept Design Scope of works Location (extents) Type of change ‘Rules’ for competing demands Priority Quality asperations £££££££££££
Costing – Feasibility Design Scope of works Location (extents) –side roads, gateways Drainage (£5m) Quality asperations Cornish Granite Portuguese Fenwick Corner Simplified Contract rates Street lighting (refurb) Kerbs (1.8m 915mm) £££
Costing – Initial Design Statutory Undertaker Utilities Kerblines adjusted Recessed covers Requesting early works to avoid post project work Ground Penetrating Radar Change to pavement design Relocation of lamp columns to avoid basement Materials - Agreement Choice (test panel) Size Laying patterns
Costing – Initial Design: Communication
Costing – Initial Design
Costing – Initial Design
Costing – Initial Design
Costing – Detail Design Paving Design Kerb margin design (for construction) Town Square concrete base Sets/slabs Construction made easy (consistent construction depth) -Safety +cost Town Square - Flush Other Covers
Additional Funding Additional WCC funding: Drainage Capital Works Programme Maintenance funds for road resurfacing
Additional Funding Developer Contributions: Public art - Frink Statue, Commemorative Plaques Planting Benches Sympathetic private forecourt works extending the public realm
Additional Funding Developer Contributions: Enhanced Northern Gateway
Costing – Construction Costs Management of site crucial to delivery to budget Productivity vs disruption Communications Winter vs summer construction On site storage Retail - lost revenue claims?
Costing – Construction Costs to others
Costing – Construction Costs to others
Costing – Construction Costs Managing cost change Agreed protocol for change All changes recorded, PD notified, PM review No payment until agreed. Description (reason) Photo (evidence)
Design and Build Contract Benefits: Value engineering includes constructability issues Known unit pricing Collaborative design changes Challenges: Whether savings get passed on to funders is contract dependant Designing out of ‘Quality’
Final Accounts Contractual arrangement Project Arrangement
Final Accounts Finance Discussions
Final Accounts Finance Discussions Review of Draft Final Accounts sense check missing items items not delivered check rates against agreed Recommended changes to FM Conway Update project costs (how does this impact upon the project) Negotiated compromise Both parties keen to finalise Both parties want to see value