Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research (RIVO)


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Presentation transcript:

Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research (RIVO) MonitoringBase Pim Leonards Michiel Kotterman Heather Leslie Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research (RIVO)

Outline Background and objectives Database: MonitoringBase Monitoring programmes Measured environmental concentrations Accessibility of data Concluding remarks How to get MonitoringBase LRI section Background LRI: Long-range Research Initiative of the Chemical Industry LRI section Multi-year funding programme to develop science and tools to improve environmental and human health assessment

Objectives Monitoring Project Improve knowledge of: existing monitoring programmes measured data (selected chemicals) To suppport other LRI projects ….and to stimulate data availability Costs about 130.000 Euro About 1.5 yr, between early 2003 and end 2004


Monitoring programmes Type Monitoring (routine) Survey Screening Limited to: European and Arctic region Aquatic environment: freshwater, estuarine or marine Matrices: water, sediment, suspended matter, biota Information, references and links to more than 160 planned, on-going and completed studies

Monitoring Programmes - Parameters Title Organising country Programme summary Status (ongoing, completed) Type (monitoring, survey, screening) Start/end year Website and databank links Contact details Compound Matrix Frequency

Monitoring Programmes - Geography 1 no. monitoring/survey programmes 3 11 1-5 13 6-10 11-20 >20 1 5

Monitoring programmes – search screen

Measured concentrations Selection based on: EU Water Framework Directive List of Priority Substances, except metals Spatial distribution Temporal trends Accumulation in food chains Additional substances chosen based on wide range of physical-chemical properties and biodegradability Not comprehensive

Measured concentrations - Parameters Title Environment Country/Sea Region Matrix Species Tissue Year of sampling Substance Concentration Additional parameters Lipid weight, dry weight, length, weight, etc.

Measured concentrations - content More than 5000 measured concentration data 112 organic chemicals On-line databases included after evaluation of websites

Concluding remarks Large differences in quality and accessibility of websites to retrieve data - Accessibility could be improved by including English version Many monitoring programmes measure same restricted set of chemicals in similar matrices Creation of a meta-database could be a tool for information sharing on chemical monitoring between different countries in Europe, but harmonisation of the presentation of monitoring programmes in Europe is probably more realistic and easier to achieve

How to get MonitoringBase Download instructions: CD ROM: Thank you for your attention !