Case-study 2, field evaluation: areas of Palaeolithic importance at “Village Royale” Francis Wenban-Smith Heritage in Practice CPD course University College London 30th March 2017 CAHO-Contracting Palaeolithic pre-construction archaeology Department of Archaeology
Introduction Goals Approaches Method options CAHO- Contracting Goals Approaches Method options Geotechnical monitoring, or “let someone else do the work” Case-study, task 3
Goals Establishing presence/importance Selecting appropriate methods CAHO- Contracting Goals Establishing presence/importance Selecting appropriate methods Resolving uncertainty Grades of importance Appropriate subsequent actions
Approaches Choose methods Phases of evaluation? Non-invasive methods CAHO- Contracting Approaches Choose methods Phases of evaluation? - preliminary window- samples? - follow-up test pits? Non-invasive methods Geo-technical piggy-backing
CAHO- Contracting Geotechnical - ERT
CAHO- Contracting Window-samples Xxxx
CAHO- Contracting Boreholes
CAHO- Contracting Test pits: a - digging
b - sieving for Palaeolithic remains CAHO- Contracting Test pits: b - sieving for Palaeolithic remains
Geotechnical monitoring CAHO- Contracting Geotechnical monitoring
Your third task, output 3: - find the elephant.. CAHO- Contracting .. and the Late Upper Palaeolithic knapping scatter .. and the undisturbed Clactonian landsurface .. and the Boyn Hill bankside Acheulian occupation area .. and the Hoxnian lake
Output 3: CAHO- Contracting 1.xx - Boyn Hill deposits? - Pleistocene deposits? - window samples - test pits