TGu Motions Authors: March 2010 Date: 2010-03-15 March 2010 doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/0323r1 March 2010 TGu Motions Date: 2010-03-15 Authors: Stephen McCann, RIM Stephen McCann, RIM
TGu motions & straw polls produced for the March 2010 meeting doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/0323r1 March 2010 Abstract TGu motions & straw polls produced for the March 2010 meeting Stephen McCann, RIM Stephen McCann, RIM
March 2010 doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/0323r1 March 2010 Motion Move that IEEE 802.11u approves document 11-10-0266-09-000u-single-gas-protocol.doc and requests the technical editor to incorporate it into the IEEE 802.11u draft document. Moved by: Necati Canpolat Seconded: Mike Montemurro Result: (for-against-abstain: 4/0/1) Stephen McCann, RIM Stephen McCann, RIM
March 2010 doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/0323r1 March 2010 Motion Move that IEEE 802.11u approves document 11-10-0193-06-000u-uesa.doc and requests the technical editor to incorporate it into the IEEE 802.11u draft document. Moved by: Gabor Bajko Seconded: Mike Montemurro Result: (for-against-abstain: 5/0/1) Stephen McCann, RIM Stephen McCann, RIM
March 2010 doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/0323r1 March 2010 Motion Move that IEEE 802.11u approves sponsor ballot comment resolution CIDs 72, 313, 329, 332 and 334 in document 11-09-1120-21-000u-d8-0-comments-spreadsheet.xls. Note: This motion completes the approval of all comment resolutions within the document Moved by: Dave Stephenson Seconded: Gabor Bajko Result: (for-against-abstain: 5/0/0) Stephen McCann, RIM Stephen McCann, RIM
March 2010 doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/0323r1 March 2010 Motion Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from 1st Sponsor Ballot on IEEE 802.11u Draft 8.0 as contained in document 11-09-1120-21-000u-d8-0-comments-spreadsheet.xls Instruct the editor to prepare Draft 9.0 incorporating these resolutions and, Approve a 15 day Sponsor Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should IEEE 802.11u Draft 9.0 be forwarded to RevCom?” Moved by: Dave Stephenson Seconded: Gabor Bajko Result: (for-against-abstain: 5/0/0) Stephen McCann, RIM Stephen McCann, RIM