Our Solar System By Shea Osgood The solar sytem is very big. The Sun is the biggest object in our solar system. OUR solar system 9 planets.
The Sun The Sun is a gas giant. The sun creates solar radiation.
mercury Mercury has a very low surface gravity. There is no air on the surface but it could be trapped underneath. Mercury is named after a Roman god.
Venus Venus orbits around the Sun in 225 days. Venus is called after the Roman goddess of love and beauty. Venus is the planet which is closest to the Earth.
earth Earth is the only planet in the solar system that has life. Earth is the only planet that has a liquid water on its surface. Earth is only planet that has an atmosphere containing percent oxygen.
mars Mars has both north and south polar ice caps much like the earth. A typical year on Mars is 1 year and 687 days. A day on Mars is 24 hours and 39 minutes long.
Asteroid belt Johann Titius was the first one to discover the Asteroid belt. The average surface temperature of an asteroid is -72. The average distance between two asteroid is 600,000 miles.
Jupiter Jupiter has a diameter of 88,700 miles of 142,750 kilometers. Jupiter is the fifth planet in order sun and is about 483 million miles or 777 million kilometers from the sun. Jupiter is the giant of the solar system with a mass more than 300 times the mass of the earth and is called after the ancient roman sky god.
Saturn Saturn is the sixth planet in the solar system . The bright globe of Saturn is surrounded by rings which may be composed of ice. Saturn has at least 18 moons satellites which orbits round the planet attracted to it by planets gravity.
Uranus Uranus cannot be seen form the earth with out a telescope. Herschel also discovered of Uranus moons with a larger telescope. Uranus has a total of 27 moons most of are named after characters.
Neptune The existence of Neptune had a actually been discovered a year earlier in 1845. Neptune cannot be seen without a large telescope and was first seen in 1846 from the observatory in Berlin. The planet Neptune was one of the most exciting.
Dwarf plant Pluto Pluto named after the Roman god of the under world. Pluto was first seen by use of a telescope. In 2006 the international astronomical union agreed that these planets are called a dwarf planet.
resources www.planetsforkids.org www.easyscienceforkids.com
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