A preliminary dioxin inventory for the Candidate Countries Tinus Pulles, Bart Henstra A preliminary dioxin inventory for the Candidate Countries
Structure “Economy” “Technology” “Behavior” pollutant location Sector & fuel
Structure QA/QC
Structure: sectors Use Nomenclature for Reporting (NFR) Accepted by UNECE/LRTAP Well defined link to SNAP & Guidebook Implied harmonisation Connect to fuels Only for NFR 1A! Comparable to CollectER approach Add more detail if needed Link a sector as an additional level Report in NFR ?!?!
Structure: Location National totals Point sources? Are we using point source information in the inventory? Are we using point source information to derive emission factors? When verifying data with measured concentrations, spatial resolution must be higher!
Structure: pollutant Dioxin as a total? Cogeners Link to other inventories? LRTAP, UNFCCC, IPPC/EPER LCP
Data We browsed our archives and files CEPMEIP 1995 activity data UNEP Dioxin Toolkit emission factors Where we did not have activity data: Use a per capita average from countries where we have data This is where we need your co-operation We made a mistake in the files on the web site!
Results: CC13 total dioxin (g/year))