Evaluation of the Jaspers initiative


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Presentation transcript:

Evaluation of the Jaspers initiative Evaluation Network Meeting 23 November 2012 Juliet Martinez

Overview of Evaluation A one year study Focus on Jaspers' effect on the quality and timeliness of major projects submitted to the DG for Regional Policy Cover all Jaspers eligible countries: EU 12

Headline findings Jaspers assistance has been provided to over €60 billion worth of projects There has been a measureable effect on timing – 86 days' reduction Most MS satisfied or highly satisfied with Jaspers service Some MS used Jaspers assistance for all their major projects (BG, CY, HU, LV, LT, MT,SK) Over 70% of projects sought Jaspers advice on Cost Benefit Analysis.

Terms of Reference Task 1: Construction and Analysis of Timelines Task 2: Links between JASPERS Advice and the DG for Regional Policy Assessment Task 3: Case Studies Task 4: Analysis of Feedback from Member States and Project Beneficiaries Task 5: Reporting

Methodology Desk research and analysis of feedback forms Interviews (with MS, with the Commission, Jaspers offices) Workshops covering all beneficiary Member States 10 Case study pairs - in each pair, one project had Jaspers assistance and one did not

Findings – draft final report Measureable time reduction in processing major project applications, variation by sector Quality improvement - on project development Some capacity building in MS Case study findings: time reduction, quality improvement Appropriateness of JASPERS structures Value for money of JASPERS

Recommendations Major recommendations: Secondary recommendations: Jaspers should take a more strategic approach Sectoral strategy development Influence on project design, project planning More capacity building Secondary recommendations: More formalised working relationships 3 way protocol between Jaspers/MS/Commission

Next steps Final report due end 2012 Policy note to Directors Present findings to Jaspers Steering Committee Present findings to EIB Board of Directors Discussions continue on the future role and structure of Jaspers

Thank you for your attention Jaspers evaluation documents online: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/information/evaluations/index_en.cfm Thank you for your attention Juliet.martinez@ec.europa.eu