Fig. 4. Reb does not play a significant role in regulating TGF-β signaling. Reb does not play a significant role in regulating TGF-β signaling. Stage 15 embryos were stained with anti-Uif to label the apical membrane. (A) DT and DB form normally in wild-type trachea. (B) DB did not migrate out in zygotic punt135 mutants. (C) Similar to punt135 mutants, HA-Reb overexpression in trachea did not rescue the DB migration defects. (D) Similar to punt135 mutants, HA overexpression in trachea did not rescue the DB migration defects. (E) Mad overexpression in punt135 mutant trachea significantly rescued DB migration defect. (F) TkvQD overexpression in trachea led to DT formation defect. (G) Coexpression of HA-Reb and TkvQD in trachea had similar DT formation defect as TkvQD expression alone. (H) Coexpression of HA and TkvQD in trachea had similar DT formation defect as TkvQD expression alone. (I) Coexpression of Dad and TkvQD in trachea significantly rescued DT formation defect. Arrowheads, dorsal branch (DB); arrows, DT. Scale bar: 10 μm. Ten embryos of each genotype were imaged. Rachana R. Chandran et al. Biology Open 2018;7:bio036848 © 2018. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd