Lincolnshire Learning Disability Partnership Board
The Partnership Board is a big meeting for people with learning disabilities, carers, officers from health and social care and voluntary organisations. The Partnership Board is a place to talk about how to make services and support better for people with learning disabilities in Lincolnshire.
The Learning Disability Partnership Boards were set up to make sure that lots of different people, organisations and agencies work together to make change happen. Each Board needs to have people with learning disabilities on it. They should help people to have an equal voice.
Lots of people with different disabilities are talking about the same things across Lincolnshire We think the best way to help and make changes is for everybody to work together
A Joint Partnership is being set up to give people the chance to work together to make things better
The new structure Health and Wellbeing Board LCC and Health Joint Disability Executive group Joint T&F Learning Disability Partnership Board Physical and Sensory Impairment Partnership Mental Health Board PSI T&F LD T&F Views of the people of Lincolnshire The new structure
As well as meetings and task and finish groups, there will be a Joint Partnership Network. Members of the network will be given lots of information on the work that is happening and can tell task and finish group members what they think.
The Learning Disability Partnership Board will carry on and will be an open meeting Who comes to the meetings? People with learning disabilities Family carers Providers People from LCC and Health Any other interested people
A representative of the LDPB will be part of the Joint Executive Their job will be to tell the Joint Executive what are the most important issues for people with learning disabilities and their families
When representatives of the different Boards all say an issue is important a task and finish group will be set up to decide how we can all make things better.
If the other Boards do not think the issue is important for them, the LDPB can set up a task and finish group and work to solve the issue
The Boards will meet 3 times a year Work will be done between meetings and Board members will be told what is happening through the Partnership Network
A big meeting for all the members of the different Boards and the Partnership Network will happen at least once a year
Total Voice will help the Boards by Supporting reps Doing the Board admin Helping Task and Finish groups Helping the Board do what they need to do
What we think needs to happen next? Setting meeting dates for the year Reviewing the LDPB action plan Think about what Task and Finish groups we need
Questions ..... Do you think 3 meetings a year for the Learning Disability Partnership Board is enough? How can the Partnership Network work for you? Is there anything that you think is important to make the LDPB work that hasn’t been said?