Theodor Seuss Geisel Dr Theodor Seuss Geisel Dr. Seuss the author who changed children’s books forever
Where everything began Theodor Seuss Geisel was born in Springfield, Massachusetts, on March 2nd in 1904. Young ted used to visit the zoo and upon returning home he would draw the animals he saw but with a twist. All the animals he drew had exaggerated features, such as ears that were nine feet long or wings. He later attended Dartmouth, where he would find his home at the school’s humor magazine, becoming editor in chief at the end of his junior year. He got in trouble with the law and was no longer allowed to write for the paper, Ted began using fake names to continue writing, he finally settled on his middle name Seuss.
Getting Started Theodor’s mind could never focus at school, he dropped out of Oxford University where he met his Helen Palmer, and moved back home. He began working for Flit creating ads. Here is where the author began. His contract with them was what led him to illustrating children’s books. After illustrating several books he decided it would be best to illustrate and write his own books. This is where And to Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street. After being rejected many times a friend from Dartmouth gave Theodor the chance he needed and published his first book. This was just the tip of the iceberg.
The Early years
When the fun really began IN 1955 Theodor Seuss Geisel returned to Dartmouth and received an honorary doctorate. After years of going by Dr. Seuss, Theodor now joked that he was Dr. Dr. Seuss. A friend of Theodor’s asked him to write a book that young readers couldn’t put down but there was a catch he had to write the book only using a list of about 225 words, that first graders could easily recognize. This is how The Cat in the Hat was born. This began the start of Beginner Books which Theodor later became president of and published many books for beginning readers.
Beginning Books
The Bet Bennet Cerf made Theodor a bet that he couldn’t write a book only using 50 words. Dr. Seuss then wrote Green Eggs and Ham. It is the fourth best- selling children’s book of all time and remains the most popular book of Dr. Seuss.
Oh the places you’ll go Before Dr. Seuss died on September 24, 1991. the last boo he wrote was Oh the Places You’ll Go. Dr. Seuss received the Pulitzer Prize for contribution in 1984, up until that time the prize had never been given to children’s book writer. It has been estimated that one of the first books given to a child is a Dr. Seuss book and Oh the Places You’ll Go is one of most gifted books for graduation. Education begins and ends with Dr. Seuss.
Books for everyone
The new generations must grow up to be more intelligent than ours The new generations must grow up to be more intelligent than ours.” – Dr. Seuss
Give Credit where credit is due citations Pascal, J. B. (2013). Who was Dr. Seuss? Livonia, MI: Seedlings. Who Was Dr. Seuss? Is a great read and gives some wonderful background into his life I suggest it to anyone who wants to learn a more. Image on first slide was found on the following: Celebrating Dr. Seuss's 115th Birthday. (2019, January 23). Retrieved from