Nodal signalling is absolutely required for T/Bra induction and correct patterning. Nodal signalling is absolutely required for T/Bra induction and correct patterning. (A) Gastruloids stimulated with Chi, SB43, Chi+SB43 or Nodal alone between 48 and 72 h AA (n=13, 14, 14, 14, respectively), or subjected to either vehicle or SB43 pre-treatment (24-48 h AA) prior to a Chi, Nodal or Chi+Nodal pulse (48-72 h AA; n=14 per condition). (B) Normalised fluorescence traces shown per condition with corresponding shape descriptors as heatmaps. SB43 treatment blocks the expression of T/Bra::GFP and cannot be rescued by Chi co-stimulation. Inhibition of Nodal signalling has a positive influence on axial length and elongation morphology, suggesting that Nodal modulates axial extension (see Figs S5 and S6 for further details and statistical analysis). David A. Turner et al. Development 2017;144:3894-3906 © 2017. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd