JoAnn Ford – FAA Navigation Programs Engineering Team FAA ATO/PMO Enterprise Services, Navigation Programs Orville Wright FAA Federal Building (work) 202.267.4543 (cell) 202.577.9790 gbtusa
Automated Weather Sensor System (AWSS) Tech Refresh 24 Alaska AWSS systems planned be Tech Refreshed to AWOS-C by 2016 24 sites completed 0 sites remaining
Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) Tech Refresh 44 Alaska AWOS systems planned to be Tech Refreshed to AWOS-C by 2017 24 sites completed 20 sites remaining
General Discussion of Funding Non Fed Program FAA AC 150/5220-16D Can be funded by any source Allows the station to be connected to WMSCR AIP money Capital cost only
General Discussion of Funding Approximate Costs for AWOS Development Construction/Site Prep : $100,000 Equipment : $100,000 Telco : Non-recurring - $20,000 first 2 years, recurring $5,000/year after Installation : $50,000 Relevant Documents FAA AC 150-5220-16D Automated Weather Observing Systems (AWOS) For Non-Federal Applications Sharing Your Non-Fed AWOS Data With the FAA and Aviation Community FAQ guidance document