Greek and Latin Roots spec = see, look
circumspect (adj) careful to look at all possibilities before action; cautious; aware The circumspect detective doesn’t miss a single clue. He looks for clues so carefully that he always catches the bad guys.
inspect (v) to look at carefully in search of flaws The electrician’s job was is inspect all the wiring in the house. Flaws in the electrical wiring could cause a fire.
introspection (n) the act of looking into one’s own thoughts and feelings Jack likes taking time for introspection. He likes to think. He likes to think about his feelings. Today he is thinking about his feelings for his girlfriend, Jill. Unfortunately, Jill has decided she likes Donald. Jack has decided that he doesn’t like introspection after all.
perspective (n) one way of looking at things; point of view Darla lay on the ground and looked up at the tall daisies. She wanted to see the flowers from an ant’s perspective.
respect (v) to look up to someone; to show honor People can show respect one another in many ways. In some countries people bow to show respect.
retrospective (adj) looking back at past things Last night I watched a retrospective TV show about superheroes of the past.
spectacle (n) something displayed for the public to see My uncle’s Christmas lights are quite a spectacle. People come from miles away to see them.
spectacles (n) glasses that help someone see better Grandpa can’t see a thing unless he is wearing his spectacles.
spectator (n) a person who watches something, such as a sporting event The spectators cheered when the player scored a home run.
speculate (v) to look at and think about something from different points of view After his boat sank, the man began to speculate about different ways he might get to safety in his raft.