Eduphoria/Aware Discipline Referrals
Set Expectations First, you will want to make sure that the expectation of students has been stated for all students at the beginning of the year. Don’t assume that the student knows what is expected in your classroom. Model the correct behavior as well as state it.
What do I do when a student acts up in class? If the infraction continues in the classroom, you will need to document the incident in Eduphoria/Aware. 1. Go to the DISD webpage, click on the staff tab, and log in to Eduphoria.
After logging in you will click on the Aware link on the left hand side.
Final Steps Click on the students tab on the left side
Enter the student’s last name and click search Click on the correct student name
Click on the forms tab/ add forms drop down menu/discipline documentation form
The form will be added and you can now open it Click on view and fill in the information.
Helpful Tips You will need to start your own discipline forms for your students. When you open the student information and another teacher has already started one you will not add to their information.
Steps to office referral Offense #1- Student should be warned that parent will be contacted and soft consequence issued on the next offense. Offense #2- Parent should be contacted and a soft consequence issued. Parent and student should be warned that the next step will be an office referral. Offense #3- Parent should be contacted and informed that an office referral has been submitted. Complete the Skyward Disciplinary Referral Procedure. Don't forget that the only action code to be chosen is 21-Conduct Code Violation.
Aware offense #3 Log into skyward. Click on the teacher access tab/ my students
Click on discipline tab Click Add
Complete the information The conduct code is L21 ONLY! Click add When this is complete it will send an email to administrators informing of a referral.
Tidbits Unless the infraction is …… you will need to follow the steps in AWARE and Skyward prior to sending them to the office. The Administrator should never be the first conversation with the parent about the issue. How will you handle discipline in the classroom? What will you try prior to sending them out of the classroom? Is there a way to keep them in the room where instruction is happening and give attention to the misbehavior at a later time?