Workshop Aim Rongli Geng February 29, 2016 Mini-workshop on beam-line field-emitter particulates in CEBAF SRF linacs Workshop Aim Rongli Geng February 29, 2016
Objective Evaluate field-emission impact to operation of CEBAF SRF linacs. Identify the root cause(s) of particulate field-emitters in operational SRF cavities, with a focus on the particulates originating from the UHV beam-line components. Develop solutions for “particulate-free” beam-line components for future SRF linacs as well as mitigations against accumulated field emitter particulates for operational SRF linacs.
Approach Collaborate across boarders of organization Knowledge driven A working cryomodule is a result of efforts by many units with our lab organization. A dormant particulate introduced in one stage may become a lethal field emitter in the end. We are inter-dependent in fighting against field emission. Knowledge driven Permeate, where it already exists Create, where is does not exist Measure, measure, measure Beam line particulate field emitter is a shared problem in the SRF community
Rules & Suggestions One speaker at a time Ask questions Take notes Send your question/note to me after the meeting