Definition: A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between words or phrases in a sentence. Some examples : during, over, within, toward, under, on, through, to, in, into, of, between, by, for, at, around, behind, etc.
Examples of sentences: He was driving toward town. The weather gets warm during the summer. They plant trees around the building.
NOTICE I: Use between to refer to two people, groups, or things; use among to refer to more than two. Examples: They divided that money between them. He passed among the crowd. Use different from in most instances. Use different than only to avoid awkward phrasing, especially when what follows is a clause. Examples: My painting turned out much different than I had expected. This movie is different from any other martial arts movie I`ve seen.
NOTICE II: If you are trying to speak or write formally, it is usually best to avoid ending a sentence with a preposition. Examples: Informal: Whom shall I give the message to? Formal: To whom shall I give the message? However, if following this rule makes the sentence sound more awkward, it is better to leave it or reword the sentence. Examples: Awkward: That is the school to which I used to go. Reworded: That is the school I used to attend.