2019 K-12 Budget Review Putting Dollars in Classrooms Alabama State Department of Education SBOE Work Session April 12, 2018
Overall Total increased state funds for K-12 - $168.8 million Education Trust Fund $122.6 million ETF Advancement and Technology Fund $41.2 million Public School Fund (Capital Purchase) $5 million Total Foundation Program increased $113.3 million 2.5 % Pay Raise
Classroom Instructional Support
Reduced Divisors
Other Foundation Items Certified Salaries and Benefits allocation up $71.4 million Other Current Expense increased $17.6 million School Nurses Program and Technology Coordinator line items received combined increase of $2.7 million Transportation Operations increased $6.1 million School Bus Fleet Renewal allocation increased from $6,344/bus to $7,109/bus for a total gain of $2.6 million
ETF Advancement and Technology Fund Supplemental Appropriation - $41.2 million Allowable uses expanded to include school security measures Other allowable uses Facility repairs or deferred maintenance Classroom instructional support Insuring facilities Transportation Purchase of education technology and equipment
Alabama Reading Initiative $4 million increase for FY 2019 Four-Point Plan Performance Incentive - Award $20,000 to each of the 50 schools in Alabama that show the greatest growth in Grade 3 reading between the Fall 2017 administration of the state assessment and the Spring 2018 administration of the state assessment - $1 million Fund approximately 12 Regional Reading Coaches to help improve reading instruction in underperforming schools - $1.3 million Identify the lowest-performing schools with a Grade 3 and create a Summer Reading Enrichment Program to enable students in these schools to enhance reading capabilities and to offer professional development to school personnel - $500,000 Enhance Reading Coach allocations to LEA’s - $1.2 million
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards 2019 Appropriation up $1 million to $10,427,424 Provides annual supplement of $5,000 to Nationally Board-Certified Teachers (NBCT) Expanded incentive (additional $5,000 supplement) for NBCT in an instructional assignment in a challenging, high poverty school Conditions - (a) Teacher holds a valid NBPTS certificate in Literacy, English as a New Language, Math, Science, or Career and Technical Education; and (b) School has been on the "Failing School" list 3 of the last 5 years; and/or (c) School has a graduation rate more than 10% less than the state average for 2 of the 3 most recently posted years; and/or (d) School has a free and reduced federal lunch student percentage of 75% or greater as determined by the most recent data posted
Jobs for Alabama’s Graduates (JAG) 2019 Appropriation up $250,000 to $1,050,742 31% increase to provide for program expansion
Official Budget Documents ETF Appropriation Bill and Budget Spreadsheet available at http://lsa.state.al.us/PDF/LFO/FY2019/Bills/RS18-HB175-enacted.pdf and http://lsa.state.al.us/PDF/LFO/FY2019/ETF/ETF-FY-2019-enacted.pdf