State of Play of TAFTIE Task Force The comment paper was finalised in March The final paper was sent to the Commission Publication of the final paper on the TAFTIE webpage First draft of the revised General Block Exemption Regulation was published 8th of May, consultation is open until 26th of June The drafts shall be commented by the task force Task force meeting shall be held in June to prepare the comments The first draft of R&D&I Framework should follow shortly
Overview of the draft of the GBER Applied only to transparent aid (gross grant equivalent can be calculated) Incentive effect: when a written application (in the form laid down in Annex IV of the GBER) submitted before work on the project has started. Aid to large companies, two options: individual notification or stricter conditions to establish the incentive effect Higher notification tresholds for individual aid Aid intensities for R&D remain as before Aid intensity for feasibility studies 50% New: Aid for construction and upgrade of research infrastructures that perform economic activities, aid intensity 25% Separate instruments of innovation aid combined to one innovation aid instrument with one aid intensity, 50 %