County Community Action RSVP OFA Libraries Churches Mall Local Credit Union Town Hall Senior Centers YMCA Community Colleges United Way Ca$h Coalition County Community Action RSVP OFA
Local Funding Opportunities
NY3 Success Stories Ulster County partnered with UCCA to obtain a grant from IBM with which there were able to purchase 9 computers Clinton County was able to work with their Senior Center to get Internet Access so they could go to TWO. This will reduce 2-3 hours per day in updating computers and processing returns Dutchess and Clinton have partnered with United Way and Cash Coalition to obtain computers Clinton, Orange and Dutchess Counties partner with Community Colleges for Interns Fulton County brought their request for use of the Town Hall to the Town Supervisor who took it to the board for approval
NY3 Success Stories Broome County has been successful in having all their partners provide Internet Access so they are able to be 100% TWO Saratoga, Warren and Washington Counties work with RSVP to assist with recruiting and have been 100% successful getting site support for scheduling appointments Montgomery and Schenectady got the YMCA to take over appointment scheduling when Untied Way ran out of finds for ‘211’ Appointment scheduling for Ulster County is done by RSVP and Dutchess County uses United Way ‘211’