The School for Change Agents is the most widely used skill-building programme for change in the NHS. To date, more than 15,000 people have taken part. The School for Change Agents will provide you with the skills, confidence and community to make a difference. You will leave the School for Change Agents with the power to make change in your organisation. As a participant, you’ll learn about the latest methods and tools for igniting change, growing communities for change, spreading your impact and sustaining the energy to make change happen. It’s about pushing the boundaries of what is possible, mobilising others and making change happen more quickly. The School for Change Agents Community will support you in your journey of change during and after you’ve complete the live sessions. The course consists of 5 live webinars, online learning modules and a thriving Facebook and Twitter community of Change Agents who have participated in the School for Change Agents and put the learning into practice.
The School for Change Agents 2019 keeps the same evidence-based, activist-focused approach of previous years. We will host five live webinars and support the learning with an e-learning platform. This year, our e-learning platform will be hosted by Futurelearn, in partnership with the NHS Leadership Academy. The School for Change Agents 2019 remains free at the point of use for everyone. Participants across the world can take part, join our online communities and complete the e-learning modules at nil-cost. Those participants who complete the School for Change Agents 2019 and want to receive accreditation can do so by upgrading their Futurelearn accounts at any time during or after completion, for a single fee of £32. This will be useful for participants who want to evidence their completion of the School for Change Agents, for example for Continuing Professional Development or clinical re-validation. We will make a number of free upgrades available to NHS staff and patients (‘experts by experience’). Details of this will follow in due course.
Sign up now for the School for Change Agents 2019: here. Learn more about the School for Change Agents through our Frequently Asked Questions. Ask Rosie to set you up as a School for Change Agents group of 50+ participants: