Mentorship Workshop w/Profiles Date: June 6, 2013 Location: The Georgian Club
Agenda Welcome Review Mission & Goals of program Review progress to date and available resources Review overall expectations for Mentor Review Mentors roles and responsibility including: Mentorship Process Mentors Expectations Review of participant profile Current active Mentees & Mentors activities Fund raising update Next Event Mentorship Atlanta
In this workshop we will address the following questions: What is Mentoring all about? What is my role and what is expected of me? What is the role of the Mentee? How much time do I have to commit? How do I measure success? Mentorship Atlanta
Our Mission “ what we are about” Provide an environment for a positive and engaging mentoring experience between our business community, our youth and our community at-large. These experiences will allow our youth to make positive connections between career opportunities, school and their community. Our Mentees will find support and guidance they need to develop personal skills and career awareness in order to build productive and meaningful lives. Mentorship Atlanta
Our Goals Provide a positive mentoring experience with committed and caring business professionals. Guide Mentees to develop their vision/plan for the future and inspire them to develop to their fullest potential Provide a frame work for positive future growth, decision making and effective communication skills Create opportunities for: a. Engaging business professional, youth and community at-large b. Career awareness and exploration Build a sense of community and make the mentoring experience fun and life lasting visit us on : Mentorship Atlanta
YTD Progress Organized a steering committee and assigned functional roles to team members Completed our Mentorship Atlanta website launch. With us showing up as 3rd on Google search. Not bad for a site that was launched only two months ago. Launched our Facebook page with over 70 likes, 400 reached, 30,000 friends of page Hosted our 1st Career day meeting at Emory on 3/24/2013. The meeting was a great success with close to 40 Mentees and Mentors in attendance Conducted a follow-up survey after the meeting and received valuable feedback Signed an agreement for a virtual office space which will provide us with business address and access to meeting rooms for our future events Mentorship Atlanta
YTD Progress (cont’d) Printed brochures and business cards for Mentorship Atlanta Compiled a list of 20 Mentors and categorized under Medicine & Public Health, IT, Engineering, Technology, Business, Entrepreneurship, and Law Compiled a list of Mentees along different areas of interest in order to start the matching process. We have over 18 young people who indicated interest in participating in our pilot program and the number is increasing as the word gets out Met with many nonprofits for possible collaboration opportunity (NSORO Foundation, ArtReach, Atlanta Technology Village (ATV) Working with committee to establish the Ibn Sina Award for Excellence $2000 annual award based on; Academic Excellence, Innovation, Community Service, recommendation by member Mentorship Atlanta
Mentorship Process Mentee Applies Mentor Applies Screening by Committee Members Conduct Interview by Committee Member List of Mentees by Area of Interest List of Mentors by Area of Interest Matching Process Communication Letter to Mentee cc Mentor Start Process Mentorship Atlanta Monthly Progress Report 6 – 9 Month Plan Conduct Initial Meeting Monthly Progress Report
Overall Expectations for Mentor Give a person a fish you feed him for a day. Teach a person to fish you feed him for life. Provide your assessment of Mentee and their potential Provide meaningful development and experiences, both personal and technical Request an email with resume and objectives from Mentee (what do you want to get out of this experience) Agree on deliverable and set clear expectations (Develop a plan with Mentee) Set regular meetings (at least once a month) and ask Mentee to provide a progress report (at least once a monthly) Your objective is for Mentee to share with others the benefits and the great experience they had Support and prepare Mentee to be successful in finding a job shadow experience, summer inter job or permanent position Your credibility is at stake it only takes one bad recommendation to question it Commitment to provide support for 6-9 months (maybe extended on a case by case basis) Mentorship Atlanta
What Role Does the Mentor Play? A Mentor assumes a number of roles in mentoring relationship, including: Advisor, acting as a sounding board and maintaining confidentiality, without assuming responsibility for solving the Mentee’s problems DEVELOPER, providing structure and direction based on conversations with the Mentee and empowering the Mentee , without dictating the Mentee’s actions or giving criticism BROKER, identifying competency gaps through an objective lens and facilitating development opportunities, without introducing personal biases CHALLENGER, pushing the Mentee to higher standards and aiding in the exploration of new ideas and opportunities, without discounting the Mentee’s opinions about his limits CLARIFIER, teaching and explaining organizational values and politics, without stepping in to remove political obstacles on the Mentee’s behalf AFFIRMER, enhancing self-esteem and exhibiting empathy, without focusing solely on positive feedback SPONSOR, enhancing the Mentee’s visibility through Networking and recommendations for career opportunities Mentorship Atlanta
Mentor Role & Responsibility How you can help: Here are some of the many ways in which a Mentor can help a Mentee: Advice and help on career options, life beyond college, and more Provide professional network and networking opportunities Access to professional resources and hands-on learning opportunities Help in defining personal and professional goals, and the strategies to achieve them Assist with securing unique internship and job opportunities Inspire and motivate you to develop to your fullest potential Process for starting your Mentee: Complete the application on our website and include your goals and your expectations from the program. Mentorship Atlanta
Mentor Role & Responsibility – cont’d 2. First meeting: Mentee should take the initiative to follow up with Mentor Meet for 1 hour to get know your Mentee Mentee to share with Mentor things about his or her interests (share career aspiration) Provide short statement about future goals Discuss ground rules and frequency of contact Establish ways of communication Plan next meeting 3. Tips for an on-going successful experience for Mentees: Be committed Take responsibility for own success and keep Mentor informed about progress Show interest in field of interest and take advantage of opportunity Do the work and follow up on own goals Be respectful of Mentor’s time and resources Maintain a positive attitude and willingness to learn and advance Follow up on any action items assigned by Mentor Mentorship Atlanta
Mentor Role & Responsibility – cont’d 4. Progress Reports: Mentee to provide progress reports at least once every two weeks Mentee to provide summary on your accomplishment since last meeting Mentee to complete feedback to Mentorship Atlanta once a month Mentorship Atlanta
Pre-Meeting Task for Mentors Reflect on your professional career as a whole and make a list of the wide variety of assets that you have accumulated over the years in terms of: Experience Knowledge Skills Interpersonal Skills Leadership Mentorship Atlanta
Discussion Topics Initial Session – Questions to Mentee by Mentor Describe your educational and professional background. Tell me about your current situation? What are your short and long term goals? What do you think your major strengths and weaknesses are? What are your expectations of the mentoring program? Tell me what you think will be challenging about working with a Mentor? Which topics are you most interested in discussing during our meetings? How do you prefer to communicate between meetings? Mentorship Atlanta
Discussion Topics (cont’d) Subsequent Sessions What successes have you had recently? What sort of challenges have you had to overcome, and how were you able to do so? Describe your strategy for persuading and motivating others when necessary? Which relationships are especially difficult for you to cultivate? Which decisions are the most difficult for you to make and which are the easiest? Tell me about tough decisions you have had to make recently and what the outcome was of those decisions. Which skills do you think will be most important for your growth? Tell me how you would currently assess yourself on hose skills. What steps are you already taking to proactively improve in key skill areas? How do you solicit feedback from others about your progress? Which individuals, books, experiences, etc. have recently impacted your personal identify and goals? Mentorship Atlanta
How Do We Measure Success Willingness to recommend MA (Survey) Successful accomplishment of agreed to goals Increase in Membership and Program Participation Mentorship Atlanta
Q & A ? Mentorship Atlanta