The West Middle School Game Made By Will Owen START
Instructions Welcome to the West Middle School game. In this game you will have to make it through challenging mazes. When going through the mazes try to keep the arrow on the white trail or you will lose. But only the tip of the arrow has to be on the trail. Good luck and I hope you enjoy this game. START
Level 1 FINISH
Level 2 FINISH
Level 3 FINISH
Level 4 FINISH
Level 5 FINISH
Level 6 FINISH
Level 7 FINISH
Level 8 FINISH
Level 9 FINISH
Level 10 FINISH
You Won Congratulations CLICK
Were You paying attention? Somewhere in this game there was a picture of an item. If you know what this item was right it on a piece of paper and hand it in to Will Owen in homeroom 309. If you are the first to hand in the right answer you will win a prize. Remember to write your name on it so we know who wrote it if you win. If you didnt find the item then go back and look for it. You might want to hurry because someone else could be going for the prize. Good luck. EXIT PLAY AGAIN
You Failed Click to Restart Restart