Interior Designer presentation.
Our History Custom Wood Beams is a manufacturing company, spun-out of Smith Custom Cabinetry, a business founded in Our beam designs and techniques were developed in the field to support ease of installation. Our support procedures and kits of materials help carpenters perform a professional install.
Our Capabilities 20,000 sq.ft. facility. 3D Modeling CAD Excellent access to wood suppliers. Over 60 Species/Grades available to us next day. We operate a full mill, carry 100s of moulding profiles. We finish wood in environmentally controlled finish booths. We apply 5-layer finishes as a standard. Most importantly, our team of wood-workers and finishers are the most valuable part of our business and enable us to build the best products.
Our Mission To deliver beams designed custom for your rooms with furniture-grade finishes & with the accompanying T&G, Crown or Corbels your design may demand. To deliver our product in a manner that makes Custom Wood Beams the most economical and highest quality option for our clients.
What finishes a room?
The Beams
Outdoor Verandas
Box Beams
Truss Beams, Corbels and T&G.
Plate Beams
Recessed Beams
Recessed Beams
Soffit T&G with Beams
Crown & Applied Moulding
Box Beam with Crown
Order Form Beam Type Selection Box Beam Recessed 1/2 Box Beam Recessed 7/8 Box Beam Beam Plate 8/4
Order Form Species, Finish, Crown Beam Wood Species Beam Wood Stain Color Main Beams Width & Height Cross Beams Width & Height If tray ceiling, specify crown. height off of ceiling. Height
Order Form Beam Finish Preparation Smooth Finish Distressed Lite Distressed Heavy Hand Hewned Rough Sawn Height
Reflected Ceiling Plan Specifications Layout of Room Lengths and Profiles of Beans/Mouldings Finish Schedule
3D CAD Simulation If your project requires this level of support, we can be contracted to provide it.
3D CAD Simulation If your project requires this level of support, we can be contracted to provide it.
3D CAD Simulation
Order Form T&G, Panels, Moulding T&G Paneling Mouldings
Or Specify It 10Hx14W Cypress Box Beam Distressed Heavy, CWB WS2 S120 Finish Custom Wood Beams, Hx6W Oak Plate Beam, Crown Smooth, CWB WS2 S123 Finish Custom Wood Beams, V-Groove T&G, 6 5-1/4 Crown, Cypress, Medium Peckey CWB WS2 S128 Finish
Working with CWB Direct: Your firm can sell the CWB materials and provide your management services. Your designers have total control over ceiling design and will work directly with our project managers. Indirect: Your designers can specify CWB and our beam styles and finishes for your builder clients to purchase. With your builders permission, you can still maintain control over the ceiling design and work directly with our project managers.
The Wood Shop
The Wood Shop
CAD File Support Designers can utilize our CAD file of mouldings to import into their drawings.
Builder Support Pre-installation procedures for builders to use in laying-out the ceiling features onto the floor. This assists other trades in locating ceiling penetrations in the proper locations, preventing costly re-work. Installation procedures for the beams. Installation kits of color matching putty, adhesives and matching can of stain. Project management support by phone. We can make arrangements for field visits.
Summary Custom Wood Beams is your source for wood box beams and finished products for your ceilings. We build per your specifications, can match finishes and will save your builder time on the site.
Contact us for: Moulding CAD files. Order color sheets or form copies. Requests for quote. Your next box beam order. Sales Office / fax Lown St. N., St. Petersburg, FL Thank you for your time viewing this presentation.