Growth and Development Dr. Randy Harp
Growth: Growth is an increase in mass True Growth?? Tissues Bone Internal organs Muscle Fat True Growth??
Growth: Growth is an increase in mass True Growth? Tissues Bone Internal organs Muscle Fat True Growth? Everything except Fat
Normal Postnatal Growth Curves of Bone, Muscle, and Fata Maturity Muscle Growth Units Fat Birth Bone Time Units a Adapted from Boggs, et al, 1998
Normal Growth Curve of Cattlea Units Time Units a Adapted from Berg & Butterfield, 1976 Birth Maturity 1400 lbs 1100 lbs 900 lbs
Age: Physiological Age Chronological Age
Age: Physiological Age Development of the animal relative to maturity Chronological Age Actual Age in days
Fat Tissue Depots: Subcutaneous Fat Internal Fat Intermuscular Fat Intramuscular Fat
Fat Tissue Depots: (order) Subcutaneous Fat ~ Backfat (3rd) Internal Fat ~ KPH (1st) Intermuscular Fat ~ Seam fat (2nd) Intramuscular Fat ~ Marbling (4th)
Normal Postnatal Growth Curves of Bone, Muscle, and Fata Maturity Marbling Muscle Growth Units Fat Birth Bone Time Units a Adapted from Boggs, et al, 1998
Visual Indicators of Finish
Visual Indicators of Finish
Visual Indicators of Finish BF 1.50 REA 10.6 YG 6.0 BF .70 REA 13.5 YG 3.3
Visual Indicators of Finish
Types of Growth: Hyperplasia Hypertrophy Increase in cell number Occurs during Prenatal growth Research indicates that cell number is set Hypertrophy Increase in cell size after birth
Benefits to altering growth: Increase in the amount of product to sell Change composition of saleable product
Methods to alter growth: Natural A) Genetics British vs European/Continental Breeds British ~ “Maternal” Earlier rate of maturity Less muscle more fat Continental ~ “Growth and Carcass” “Terminal” Later rate of maturity More muscle less fat F1 Progeny Heterosis
Factors Affecting Growth: Natural B) Nutrition: 1. Types of growing/finishing cattle a. Grass Cattle - growing b. Finishing- growing/fattening
Methods to alter growth: Adminstered ~ Growth Promoting Agents A) Implants - Made of naturally occurring hormones - Estrogen, Progesterone Ralgro, Synovex, etc. - Synthetics Trenbolone Acetate (TBA)
What Implants do: Improved Feed Efficiency Increased Average Daily Gain Increased Dry Matter Intake Increase in Body Mass
What Implants do: Improved Feed Efficiency 15% Increased Average Daily Gain 10% Increased Dry Matter Intake 5-10% Increase in Body Mass 15-20% Efficiencies and increase in wt gain can result in 50 -150 dollars advantage over non-implanted
Methods to alter growth: Administered ~ Growth Promoting Agents A) Implants B) Beta Agonists
Beta Agonists: Ractopamine HCl - Cattle ~ Optaflex Fed last 28-42 days 100 – 300 mg / day Improvement: 1) Performance F/G, ADG same DMI 2) Dressing Percent 3) Carcass wt 4) No adverse affect on Marbling 5) Tenderness affected at 300 mg Zilpaterol HCl – 6.8 g/ton to provide 60-90 mg/hd/day Fed as Showmaxx via layman OR Fed in feedlots in concentrate form supervised by a DVM