Standard 4 Objective 2 a-d Adaptations Standard 4 Objective 2 a-d
Adaptation An Adaptation is a physical trait or behavior that helps the organism survive better and have more offspring. The offspring will have that trait.
Coloration Coloration can help an organism blend into the environment to avoid or confuse predators or surprise prey. Mimicry: Camouflage:
Coloration Mimicry:
Coloration Mimicry:
Coloration Mimicry: When an animals looks like another animal or object in its environment, helping to protect them from predators.
Coloration Camouflage:
Coloration Camouflage: Coloration or pattern that helps an animal blend into its surroundings. Helps prey hide from predators and predators sneak up on prey
What if... What if we put a polar bear in the jungle, or a tiger in the arctic? Would they be camouflaged?
What if... Some traits provide an advantage in one environment but not other environments
What if... Some traits provide an advantage in one environment but not other environments Other Examples?
Structure of Teeth Teeth with different shapes and sizes help animals eat different types of food. Sharp teeth: Flat teeth:
Structure of Teeth Teeth with different shapes and sizes help animals eat different types of food. Sharp teeth: Carnivores, eat other animals Sharp teeth help kill their prey
Flat teeth help animals grind up plants Structure of Teeth Teeth with different shapes and sizes help animals eat different types of food. Flat teeth: Herbivores, eat plants Flat teeth help animals grind up plants
Body Structure Animals with different body structures adapt to fill diverse roles in their environment (niches)
Body Structure Animals with different body structures adapt to fill unique roles in their environment (niches) Fish Fins: Hollow Bird Bones: Dense Roots:
Fish fins help fish move in water Body Structure Fish Fins: Fish fins help fish move in water
Body Structure Hollow Bird Bones: Hollow bird bones allow birds to fly in the air.
Dense roots help plants grow in compact soil Body Structure Dense Roots: Dense roots help plants grow in compact soil
What other examples of body structure adaptations can you think of?
Quick Review What is an adaption? How does tooth structure help an animal survive? What are some examples of different body structure that help an organism survive in their environment?
Are examples of which level of organization? Quick Review Fins Roots Bones Hair Are examples of which level of organization?
How does a species adapt? Natural selection: A process in nature where organisms better adjusted to their environment tend to survive and transmit advantageous traits to their offspring. Those less adjusted tend to die out. "Survival of the fittest"
How does a species adapt? Natural selection: This happens over a LONG period of time. It require MANY generations.