3 February 2014 English IV Do Now: Grammar-Punctuation 3, Apostrophes! Read: Coleridges Kubla Khan and Keatss La Belle Dame sans Merci Respond: Analyze.


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Presentation transcript:

3 February 2014 English IV Do Now: Grammar-Punctuation 3, Apostrophes! Read: Coleridges Kubla Khan and Keatss La Belle Dame sans Merci Respond: Analyze the use of strange and/or supernatural elements in the poems and how they affect the mood. Last questions about your deadline? HW-Typed first two paragraphs and works cited page of literary analysis due; Buy Norton Critical Edition of Frankenstein before Feb 6.

3 February 2014 PSAT-10 Do Now: Get out Ferris Bueller vocabulary 1 and a highlighter! Check FB 1 Ferris Bueller 2, 14 mins. Simon quiz 2 HW-Verbal packet 2 due.

3 February 2014 AP English IV Do Now: Work Imagery 63! Discussing your level questions from HoD AP essay #1 on Heart of Darkness Peer editing essays HW: Things Fall Apart by February 7; First two paragraphs and works cited due

4 February 2014 Dual Credit Do Now: Staple typed final draft of poetry analysis on top of the rough draft and peer comment sheets. Introduction to Fiction-Plot! Reading and discussing sample story as a class Reading and analyzing a story individually

4 February 2014 English IV Do Now: Turn in typed first two paragraphs and works cited page of literary analysis! Review for test on The Romantic Period Watching BBCs The Romantics and conferencing on deadline HW- Prepare for test; Bring Frankenstein; Literary analysis due February 25.

4 February 2014 ACC English IV Do Now: Turn in typed first two paragraphs and works cited page of literary analysis; Work Imagery 64! Finish watching The Reichenbach Fall Review for Victorian period test Start conferencing on deadline HW-Prepare for test; Bring Jane Eyre; Final literary analysis due February 25.

5 February 2014 English IV Do Now: Turn in typed first two paragraphs and works cited page of literary analysis! Review for test on The Romantic Period Watching BBCs The Romantics and conferencing on deadline HW- Prepare for test; Bring Frankenstein; Literary analysis due February 26.

5 February 2014 PSAT-10 Do Now: Get out Comparisons and Pronoun WS from last Writing class, Verbal packet 2, and a highlighter! Check Writing work and Verbal packet 2, receive 3; due February 13 th Writing skills: Pronoun case & Participles Case: Participles: HW-Math

5 February 2014 AP English IV Do Now: Turn in first two paragraphs and works cited page of literary analysis; Work Imagery 64! Conferencing on deadline Read Chinua Achebes essay An Image of Africa: Racism in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness HW: Background and bring Things Fall Apart.

6 February 2014 Dual Credit Character! Reading and discussing sample story as a class Reading and analyzing a story individually

6 February 2014 English IV Do Now: Prepare for test! The Romantic Period test Read Volume I, Letters 1-4 of Frankenstein; finish before next class HW: Textbook home, bring novel; finish reading

6 February 2014 ACC English IV Do Now: Imagery 66; Prepare for test! Victorian Period test-Remind me to tell you about extra credit opportunity… Assigning Dialectical journals for novel Finish conferencing on deadline from last class Read Authors Preface and Chapters 1-5 of Jane Eyre HW-Finish reading.

7 February 2014 English IV Do Now: Prepare for test! The Romantic Period test Read Volume I, Letters 1-4 of Frankenstein; finish before next class HW: Textbook home, bring novel; finish reading.

7 February 2014 PSAT-10 Math HW-Simon quiz 3.

7 February 2014 AP English IV Do Now: Imagery 66 Discussing Achebe reading from last class Things Fall Apart background presentations MWDS and Dialectical journals assigned AP Prose practice: British fiction, Passage 5 & 6 HW: Read part 1 of Things Fall Apart by February 13.

10 February 2014 Dual Credit Setting! Reading and discussing sample story as a class Reading and analyzing a story individually HW-You will need a copy of the novel you chose in class February 19.

10 February 2014 English IV Do Now: Punctuation-Commas, exercise 3! Frankenstein activity Reading Volume I, Chapters 1-5; finish before next class HW-Vocab quiz 19; finish reading; Literary analysis due February 25.

10 February 2014 ACC English IV Do Now: Work Syntax 69! Quiz on reading Jane Eyre activity Reading Chapters 6-11 before next class HW-Vocab quiz 19; Literary analysis due February 25.

11 February 2014 English IV Do Now: Punctuation-Commas, exercise 3! Frankenstein activity Reading Volume I, Chapters 1-5; finish before next class HW-Vocab quiz 19; finish reading; Literary analysis due February 26.

11 February 2014 PSAT-10 Ferris Bueller 3, 13 mins. Simon quiz 3 HW-Verbal packet 3 due.

11 February 2014 AP English IV Do Now: Work Syntax 69! AP Prose essay packet AP Exam prose essay, 2013 HW: Revise rough draft and type it for next class; Finish Part 1 of Things Fall Apart.

12 February 2014 Dual Credit Symbolism! Reading and discussing sample story as a class Reading and analyzing a story individually

12 February 2014 English IV Do Now: Prepare for quiz! Vocabulary quiz 19-Power Plus Lesson 19 Frankenstein activity with Chapters 1-5 Reading Volume I, Chapters 6-Volume II, Chapter 2; finish before next class

12 February 2014 ACC English IV Do Now: Prepare for quiz; Work Syntax 70! Vocabulary quiz 19-Power Plus Lesson 19 Jane Eyre activity Reading Chapters before next class

13 February 2014 English IV Do Now: Prepare for quiz! Vocabulary quiz 19-Power Plus Lesson 19 Frankenstein activity with Chapters 1-5 Reading Volume I, Chapters 6-Volume II, Chapter 2; finish before next class

13 February 2014 PSAT-10 Check Verbal packet 3, receive 4; due February 24 th Writing skills: Modifiers & Tenses Modifiers: Tenses: HW-Math.

13 February 2014 AP English IV Do Now: Turn in final draft of prose essay; Work Syntax 70! Video clip on the novel Discussing Things Fall Apart part 1 AP Prose practice: British fiction, Passage 7 & American fiction, Passage 1 HW: Read part 2 of Things Fall Apart by February 20; Final draft of literary analysis paper due February 24

14 February 2014 Dual Credit Theme! Reading and discussing sample story as a class Reading and analyzing a story individually HW-Bring the novel you chose.

14 February 2014 English IV Do Now: Punctuation-Apostrophes, exercise 2! Frankenstein activity Reading Volume II, Chapters 3-8; finish before next class HW-Vocab quiz 20

14 February 2014 ACC English IV Do Now: Syntax 71 Half-way quiz Jane Eyre activity Reading Chapters before next class HW-Vocab quiz 20