RESINOUS FLOOR COATINGS Specifications and Use Phil Scisciani, Owner
TYPES OF FLOORING CERAMIC TILE Pros Decorative Durable Cons Grout Failure Slippery when wet Dirt Buildup – grout area
TYPES OF FLOORING VCT – VINYL COMPOSITE TILE Pros Decorative Durable Cons Seam Failure Continuous need to Wax Dirt Buildup – Seam Area
TYPES OF FLOORING POLISHED CONCRETE Pros Durable Cons Non-Water Bourne Liquids will cause Staining Requires Daily Cleaning. Require revitalization based on usage.
ADVANTAGES OF RESINOUS FLOORING Seamless/Impervious Decorative Durable Low Maintenance
EVALUATING CUSTOMER NEEDS Owner’s Expectations Use of the Floor Condition of Substrate Environment Economics
RESINOUS FLOORING COVERS A VARIETY OF SURFACES Concrete Wood Ceramic/Quarry Tile Vinyl Composite Tile Fiberglass Metal
RESINOUS SYSTEM THICKNESS Thin Film (3-10 mils) Aggregate Broadcast (60- 120 Mils) Substrate: Good Condition End Use: Light Traffic Substrate: Good/Fair Condition High Build (15-30 mils) End use: Medium/Heavy Traffic Resurfacer (3/16”-1/4”) Substrate: Good/Fair Condition End Use: Light/Medium Traffic Substrate: Fair/Damaged Condition Self-Leveling (60 mils) End Use: Medium/Heavy Traffic
TYPES OF RESINOUS FLOORING Epoxy Polyurethane Polyaspartic/Polyurea Methylmethacrylate - MMA
EPOXY 100% Solid Solvent Based Water Based Fast Set Trowelable Moisture Mitigating Novolac ESD
POLYURETHANE Solvent Base Water Base Trowelable UV Resistant Chemical Resistant Wear Resistant
POLYUREA & POLYASPARTIC 100% Solids Fast Set UV Resistant
METHYL METHACRYLATE (MMA) One Hour Cure Low Temperature Cure 100% Reactive Self-leveling Slurry or Broadcast High Odor During Install Photo courtesy of PermaFloor
APPLIED SYSTEMS Colored Flake Colored Quartz
APPLIED SYSTEMS Colored Flake Colored Quartz Metallic Finish
APPLIED SYSTEMS Colored Flake Colored Quartz Metallic Finish Aggregate Filled
APPLIED SYSTEMS Colored Flake Colored Quartz Metallic Finish Aggregate Filled ¼” Resurfacer
DECORATIVE COLORED FLAKE Variety of Colors Variety of Sizes Durable Aesthetically Pleasing
DECORATIVE COLORED QUARTZ Variety of Colors Durable Aesthetically Pleasing Impact Resistant
METALLIC FINISH Variety of Colors Unique Finishes Decorative
Aggregate Filled Variety of Solid Colors Uniform Anti-Slip Durable Seamless Impact Resistant
Resurfacer Seamless High Impact Resistant Thermal Shock Resistant
BASIC INSTALLATION: Crack/Joint Repair Material Epoxy Polyurea Polyurethane Caulking Cementious
BASIC INSTALLATION: Damaged Concrete Repair Cementious Overlays Resinous Mortar
BASIC INSTALLATION: Application of Coating THIN FILM (3-10 mils) Aggregate Broadcast (60-120 Mils) Primer Coat Base Coat Finish Coat Broadcast Flake/Aggregate/Quartz HIGH BUILD (15-30 mils) Repeat for 120 mil System Resurfacer (3/16”-1/4”) Build/Finish Coat SELF-LEVELING (60 mils) Mortar Application Grind Mortar Build Coat Broadcast Aggregate (Optional)
HISTORIC EXAMPLE: Frick Auto Museum - 2002 Self-Leveling Epoxy/Polyurethane Finish Coat – 70 mil System Before 11 Years After After
HISTORIC EXAMPLE: Corporate Office Lobby - 2003 Colored Quartz System – 1/8” System Before Before 11 Years After After 11 Years After After
HISTORIC EXAMPLE: University Dining Hall - 2009 Decorative Flake System – 1/8” Thickness Installed over Ceramic Tile Before 11 Years After Pictures Taken 2014 After