Overview Presentation: February 2019
Overview HPMPO led the development of this bicycle plan, the first for this region as a whole.
Background: Purpose
Project Steering Committee High Point Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (HPMPO) Piedmont Authority for Regional Transportation (PART) Archdale Tourism Recreation Investment Partnership for Davidson County Denton Roadies and Dirties of Davidson County High Point Jamestown Alta Planning + Design Lexington Piedmont Triad Regional Council Thomasville Wallace Consulting Trinity Davidson County Forsyth County Guilford County Randolph County NCDOT Divisions 7, 8, 9
Planning Process: Outreach Over 500 participants in public comment forms Public outreach at 12 community events
Safety & Infrastructure
Types of Recommendations http://ruraldesignguide.com/
Basis of Recommendations
Plan features detailed recommendations for 15 priority projects across the region
…and establishes a vision for long-term projects
Example Policy Considerations Each jurisdiction decides what works for them; Plan provides suggestions for consideration Examples: Complete Streets Accommodating bicycle facilities and parking with new development Street connectivity in new developments Bicycle-friendly rumble strips
Example Program Recommendations
Bicycle Brochure Maps
How to Use this Plan Helps inform decision-making for roadway projects Project sheets and cost estimates inform specific projects Ideas for programs, policies, funding & design Cite the plan in grant applications and funding requests Use brochure maps to promote bicycling and tourism
Thank You! THANK YOU! Matt Hayes, AICP, Principal 984-329-5006 | matthayes@altaplanning.com Jason Reyes, AICP, Senior Planning Associate 984-329-5044 | jasonreyes@altaplanning.com Stephen Bzomowski, AICP, Senior Planner 984-201-2902 | stephenbzomowski@altaplanning.com