Stations March 12 th - March 16 th
Project Overview Its mapping time! The students have been learning about geography in their readings connected to our current project. They are also writing about their favorite location in Columbus. On March 15 th, we will visit the Kids Commons for an interactive experience with maps.
Noise Level 1 1.Monday 1.Read the Talk About It on page 218 and then read, Continents and Oceans on page 220 to learn your new vocabulary words. 2.Tuesday 1.Read, Columbus Explores New Lands on pages Wednesday Finish reading the Exploration lesson and begin the comprehension activities. 1.Thursday Field Trip to Kids Commons Friday Complete and turn in the reading comprehension activities. Visit our website for interactive mapping activities if you finish your partner reading early. What will happen if… I dont get it. I didnt finish. Reread the story During SSR station With an adult You have more time during workshop. Great! Move on to Challenge Read. I think Im a master. Materials Needed Treasure Books Computer Mapping Activity Home Skills and Standards Read aloud fluently and accurately SS Identify directions Community features on a map Map symbols Reading: Exploration Project Connection: Mapping Skills
Writing: Columbus- Favorite Location This week you will use PUBLISHER to create a brochure on your favorite location in Columbus. Use the websites given to find links to your location. Include information from your rough draft writing about your location. Be sure to follow the rubric expectations to ensure you earn all 20 points possible for this assignment. * Pictures- including map * Complete Sentences * Descriptions * Why is this your favorite Columbus location? Skills and Standards Write a brief description of a familiar place use descriptive words when writing proofread and edit writing Distinguish between complete and incomplete sentences Materials Needed Location Rough Draft Computer Rubric Home Project Connection: Locations on a Map
Self-Selected Reading / Accelerated Reader Noise Level 0 1.Choose a library book or a book of choice that you have not read. 2.Be sure you picked a book that you can read alone. 3.Silently read. 4.After you finish your book, write the name of the book in your Data Binder. 5.Be sure to fill in the information about your book in your binder. 6.If you can answer all the questions in your Data Binder, get your laptop and log on to AR to take your test. 7.Record your AR score in your Data Binder.. Skills and Standards Read fluently Restate facts and recall information SSR and AR points What will happen if… I dont get it. I didnt finish. Choose another Book. You will have more time in stations. Great! Take the AR test and choose a more challenging book for your next test! I think Im a master. Materials Needed Data binder Book of choice Computer Home
Working with Words Noise Level 1 1.Monday 1.Complete the activity to practice your new spelling words. 2.Paper is in the binder 2.Tuesday 1.In your group, work with the leader to put your list in ABC order after you finish and turn in your practice on your new spelling words. 2.If you complete ABC order, look up the words in the dictionary to find their meanings and apply to your writing. 3.Wednesday 1.Spelling City practice 4.Thursday 1.Kids Commons field trip 5.Friday 1.TEST! Skills and Standards spelling patterns, common word families ABC order What will happen if… I dont get it. I didnt finish. Road Block Go to workshop You have more time during workshop. Great! You can work on the challenge list! I think Im a master. Materials Needed: 1.Vocab list 2.Fluency Book Home Project Connection: Challenge List
Math Journal Noise Level 1 1.Monday Money place value 2.Tuesday Money Place value 3.Wednesday 1.Grouping with Parenthesis 2.Pages Thursday 1.Math Test Skills and Standards Value of collection of coins Choose appropriate tools to solve story problems Place value What will happen if… I dont get it. I didnt finish. Road Block Go to workshop You have more time during stations. Great! You may attempt the challenge activity for Unit 1. I think Im a master. Materials Needed Math Journal Pencil Home Project Connection: Money for cookbook sales
Problem Solving Noise Level 0 1.Monday- Friday 1.Online Money Place Value Activity 2.Use the Link provided on our website to practice PLACE VALUE in large numbers and with money. Skills and Standards Value of collection of coins Choose appropriate tools to solve story problems Place value Materials Needed Pencil Reference pages Money Game mats Home Project Connection: Money for cookbook sales
Math Skill Application Noise Level 1 1. Monday 1.Place Value Game 2.Tuesday 1.Math Masters Place Value Activity 3.Wednesday 1.Math Masters Using Parenthesis to solve 4.Thursday 1.Finish Math Test Materials Needed Math Masters Money bucket Coin mats Math Journal Home Project Connection: Money for cookbook sales Skills and Standards Value of collection of coins Choose appropriate tools to solve story problems Place Value
Everyday Math Online and DIBELS Noise Level 0 Monday and Wednesday 1.Working independently and following our expectations for using a computer properly, you may complete the math game activity that is on the computer at the station. 2.Use your Everyday Math Card to Log In. 3.Be sure you are in 2 nd grade games. Tuesday and Thursday 1. Complete the DIBELS practice activity.. Skills and Standards Model addition Mental arithmetic Number patterns recognize, name and compare fractions What will happen if… I dont get it. I didnt finish. Road Block Go to workshop You have more time during stations. Great! Click on the Grade 3 level! I think Im a master. Materials Needed Computer EM Computer Card DIBELS practice Home Project Connection: Money for cookbook sales