Matching and comparing coins and bills When does it rain money? When there’s a change in the weather! MA.2.A.4.1 , MA.2.G.5.3 Matching and comparing coins and bills
MA2.A.4.1 Extend number patterns to build a foundation for understanding multiples and factors MA2.G.5.3 Identify, combine, and compare values of money in cents up to $1 and in dollars up to $100 working with a single unit of currency
Vocabulary penny - one cent coin change - amount left over nickel - five cent coin greatest value - largest amount least value - smallest amount dime - ten cent coin quarter - twenty-five cent coin half dollar - fifty cent coin dollar - representation of money (coin or bill) bills - paper representation of money dollar sign - $ cent - smallest money value decimal point - a point/dot used to separate the whole number from the fractional part of a number amount - how much something is worth coins - representations of money
Counting by 2’s Finish the pattern: 2,4,6,8,10 __,__,__,__,__ What are the missing numbers in this sequence? 22,24,26__,__,__,34,36,38, __,__,__ How many arrows are there? Count by 2’s _____
C0unting by 2’s How many lollipop’s are there? Count by 2’s ____ Finish the pattern: 30,32,34,__,__,40,42,__,__,48,__,52
Counting by 5’s Finish the pattern: 5,10,15,20,25,__,__,__,__,__ What are the missing numbers in the sequence? 20,25,30,__,__,__,50,55,60,__,__,__ How many cars are there? Count by 5’s ____
Counting by 5’s How many dolphins are there? Count by 5’s___ What are the missing numbers in the sequence? 35,40,45,__,__,__,65,70,75,__,__,__, Finish the pattern: 90,95,__,__,110,115,120,__,__,__140,145
Counting by 10’s Finish the pattern: 10,20,30,__,__,__,70,80,90,__,__,__ What are the missing numbers in the sequence? 30,40,__,__,__,80,90,100,__,__,__, How many stars are there? C0unt by 10’s ____
Counting by 10’s Finish the pattern: How many hearts are there? Count by 10’s ____ Finish the pattern: 200,210,220,__,__,__,260,__,__,__,__,310,320,__,__,__
How is counting money useful in real life? Pay bills Buying things Making change
Coins Penny 1 Dime 10 Half dollar 50 Nickel 5 Quarter 25
$ Bills $ one, five ,ten ,twenty ,fifty , one-hundred $1 $20 Five $5 $50 $10 $100
Comparing Coins Listed in order from LEAST to GREATEST: Penny= 1 cent Nickel= 5 cents Dime= 10 cents Quarter= 25 cents Half-dollar=50 cents One dollar=$1 Five dollars=$5 Ten dollars=$10 Twenty dollars=$20 Fifty dollars=$50 One-hundred=$100
Comparing Coins Which is greater? ______ Or or
Comparing Coins One quarter is equal to ___ dime(s) and __nickel(s)? One half-dollar is equal to ___ quarter(s) ___dime(s) __pennies? $53= ___twenties ___ten(s) ___one(s) $28=___ten(s) ___five(s) ___one(s) $137= ___hundred(s) ___ten(s) ___five(s) ___one(s) $137= ___fifties ___twenties ___ten(s) ___one(s)
Comparing Coins Is equal to ___ and ___ ___
Sources: 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.