Write and Define the 5 Pillars in your notebooks
Mohammed/Muhammad 622-forced to leave Mecca for the city of Medina this move is called the hejira he created the first Islamic city-state in Medina 630 -returned and invaded Mecca 632 -death of Mohamed
Mohamed/Muhammad had visions of the Angel Gabriel, who told him to recite the word of god Mohamed’s teachings were collected and written in the Quran
The Spread of Islam
Rightly Guided The first four successors of Muhammad Rightly Guided Caliphs Caliph – “Successor” related to Muhammad elected by men Expanded Islam through Arabian Peninsula, into the Byzantine and Persian Empire
Civil War 656 – Caliph Uthman murdered Umayyad family gains Caliphate No relation to Muhammad Moves capital to Damascus
Split within Islam Shi`a (Shiite) – Muslims who believed the Caliph should always be a relative of Muhammad Supported theocracy (laws of the land should be Islamic law) Opposed the Umayyads Supported the Abbasid (10%)
Sunni – Supported Umayyads Believed any good Muslim Man is eligible to be Caliph – no relation to Muhammad necessary Tend to support separation of Church and state
Religious Issues Koran or Qur’an – Holy Book of Muhammad’s teachings Jihad = holy struggle Some interpret this as individual struggle to do good. Some saw this as the struggle to spread Islam ( holy war) Jews and Christians allowed to practice their religions “People of the Book” Polytheists must convert, leave or will be killed.
Expansion Abbasid Family takes control of Caliphate in 750AD & moves capital to Baghdad Golden Age Diplomats to set up trade networks to the East and North Umayyads flee to Spain Berbers (N. African Muslims) invade Europe to the borders of France Settle in Spain
Watch the Spread of Islam
Abbasid Palace
Islamic Empires
India – Mughal Dynasty
Sufi Muslims Believed people should give up their materialistic lifestyles and devote themselves to poverty and spiritual study
Ottoman Empire
West Africa