Do Now Pull out your Readers Workshop Journal, independent reading book, and daily reading bookmark. Begin reading silently and independently. Objective What? To recognize how our questioning leads us to understand the big ideas in a text How? Reviewing what we wondered from All Summer In A Day Why? To interpret the authors purpose and a texts theme Welcome to Language Arts! September 13, 2013
What did the author want you to wonder? Look back at the questions that you wondered about in reading All Summer In A Day Identify the big ideas that come up again and again in the questions you asked Write a list of those big ideas on your All Summer In A Day notes page Movement: Limited – For supplies only Volume: Level 3 – Table Talk Participation: Work with your table group to identify the big ideas that come up again and again in your questions from All Summer In A Day Academic ExpectationsBehavioral Expectations
What did the author want you to wonder about? The negative decision that is bullying (bullying is destructive) Emotional consequences/ damages from bullying Leadership and popularity The weather and the environment
The theme is the subject, big idea, or main message of a text. These big ideas can help us realize the theme!
When we write a summary of the story, we want to include the theme in our summary statement IVFT Identify the itemSelect the verbFinish the thought (find the theme) All Summer In A Day Shows Illustrates Investigates Discusses Describes Bullying Emotional consequences/ damages from bullying Leadership and popularity The weather and the environment This is what your summary statement ends up looking like: In (identify the item), the author (select the verb) (finish the thought/find the theme).
What does it mean to find the theme? Once weve come up with those big ideas, we want to finish the thought by stating what exactly the author is saying about that topic or concept. So lets pick one of those big ideas that we identified earlier… What exactly is the author saying about this big idea? What message does he want his readers to take away?
When we write a summary of the story, we want to include the theme in our summary statement IVFT Identify the itemSelect the verbFinish the thought (find the theme) All Summer In A Day Shows Illustrates Investigates Discusses Describes This is what your summary statement ends up looking like: In All Summer In A Day, the author (select the verb) (finish the thought/find the theme).
In All Summer In A Day, the author shows the effect of bullying. In All Summer In A Day, the author illustrates the pain that bullying inflicts on others.
So when you go to write your summary, heres what it ends up looking like: First sentence: Your IVFT In (identify the item), the author (select the verb) (finish the thought/find the theme). Second sentence: Who is the main character? Third sentence: The main character wants what? Fourth sentence: But what gets in his/her way? Fifth sentence: So how does he/she respond? Sixth sentence: Then when is the final outcome?
Summary Paragraphs Get a summary paragraph worksheet from Ms. Sinco Fold it in half Tape it to the last page of your journal, so that you can look back at it later in the year Movement: Limited – For supplies only Volume: Level 2 – Partner Pair Participation: All students should stick the summary paragraph worksheet in their Readers Workshop Journal Academic ExpectationsBehavioral Expectations
Write a summary for All Summer In A Day, including all 6 pieces shown here First sentence: Your IVFT In (identify the item), the author (select the verb) (finish the thought/find the theme). Second sentence: Who is the main character? Third sentence: The main character wants what? Fourth sentence: But what gets in his/her way? Fifth sentence: So how does he/she respond? Sixth sentence: Then when is the final outcome?