Germany Hitler’s Rise to Power World War 1 had just ended leaving Germany and many other countries in a state of depression. The German people were desperate for relief from the tremendous personal suffering brought on by the Great Depression, now two years old. Millions were unemployed, thousands of small businesses had failed, homelessness and starvation were real possibilities for everyone. But from their elected leaders, the people got nothing but indecision. In ever growing numbers they turned to the decisive man, Adolf Hitler, and his promises of a better future. In February 1932, Hitler decided to run for the presidency himself. "Freedom and Bread," was the slogan used by Hitler to great effect during the Nazi campaign against tired old President Hindenburg
The Nazis, a political party, held thousands of rallies each day all across Germany. They gave out millions of pamphlets and extra copies of Nazi newspapers. Many in Germany saw the Nazis as the wave of the future. Hitler used his own skills of speaking to appeal to the patriotism of the German people by promising to break free of the restrictions of the Treaty of Versailles. His aim of ending the payment of reparations was especially popular. Hitler’s plans to re-arm Germany were also popular. By recruiting a large army and building a whole new navy and air force, he would be able to reduce unemployment. With so many people out of work, this was an appealing prospect. Germany’s economy was in such a poor state that Hitler’s promise of strong government and stability was widely supported and not least by industrialists. By attacking Jews in the world of business, Hitler appealed to their non-Jewish rivals.
Terms you need to know Antisemitism is the term used when people are prejudiced against Jews just because they are Jewish. Antisemitism is a modern racial term that was invented in 1879 by a German journalist called Wilhelm Marr. However, anti-Jewish feelings are much older than that. About 2,000 years ago, Jesus, according to the story in the Gospels, was executed for treason. He was crucified, which was the Roman method of execution. Christian teaching did not blame the Romans; it blamed the Jews. As his followers later regarded Jesus as God, so killing him became known as the crime of ‘deicide’ (killing of God). This was the basis of Jew hatred. Herr- means Mister Frau- mean MRS. Frauliein- Miss