Celebrating Hard Work & Effort So many of you….. are brilliant work hard day in day out support one another are prepared to challenge yourself in lesson go above and beyond to be a good person We want to make sure we recognise this
How will we do this? Staff can award praise points and will write a comment giving the reason why you were given a praise point There is now a button on o-cloud that allows us to award positive praise points
What does this mean for me? Points make prizes!
What does this mean for me? Bronze Award Silver Award Gold Award When you meet a certain threshold you will be awarded in praise assemblies
What does this mean for me? Form of the half term prizes Continent of the year prizes Individual prizes Form of the half term – form with the most praise points will win a prize each half term Continent of the year – there will be an overall competition between the continents for the winning continent to be awarded “continent of the year” Prize draws each half term for the students with the most praise points
How do I get a praise point? Working hard Not giving up when activities are challenging Supporting other students Being motivated Having a positive attitude Excellent teamwork Loads of ways you can get praise points. Here are a few.
How will I know if I have a praise point? Your teacher will tell you when they award you the point Your VMG tutor will run through this with you weekly Praise points and comments will be shared with parents on Praising Star Reports VMG – total to date plus read you some of the comments – record this in your planner Praising stars report will have this information on for the people at home to see Y7 – lunchtime raffle Parents will find out how many praise points you have received and what you have received them for in your praising stars report
Competition – Team Captains Africa America Asia Europe Oceania Miss Longmore Miss Rigby Miss Sly Mr Sim Miss Swift Miss Pickersgill Miss Jones Mr Howard Miss Bradley Mr Emmerson Team captains for each continent - There is massive competition between staff to be the winning continent!
Competition The race is on to be the best country and the overall best continent Check the display board for half termly updates