Aging, spinal cord injury, and quality of life: structural relationships1 Mary Ann McColl, PhD, Robert Arnold, PhD, Susan Charlifue, MA, Clive Glass, PhD, Gordana Savic, MD, Hans Frankel, MB, FRCP Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Volume 84, Issue 8, Pages 1137-1144 (August 2003) DOI: 10.1016/S0003-9993(03)00138-2
Fig 1 Overall structural model of QOL, aging, and SCI. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2003 84, 1137-1144DOI: (10.1016/S0003-9993(03)00138-2)
Fig 2 Direct and indirect effects on outcomes: (A) QOL, (B) aging quicker, and (C) aging worse. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2003 84, 1137-1144DOI: (10.1016/S0003-9993(03)00138-2)
Fig 3 Effects of (A) age, (B) lesion level, (C) duration of disability, and (D) fatigue. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2003 84, 1137-1144DOI: (10.1016/S0003-9993(03)00138-2)