What was this achievement for? Lower School Head Teacher Awards Thursday 13th September Well done to all the following children for their achievements this week Class Who What was this achievement for? 3B Rose Outstanding attitude towards work, attentive, a great listening, always ready to learn and always gets her work done! Emilee Excellent literacy this week – use of adverbials and great description of setting. Super attitude in class. Well done! 3J Kenzie Brilliant behaviour all the time. Always listening and sometimes sees ahead to what I'm going to do next! James Brilliant transformation on Wednesday pm, head down and no chatting. The new and improved James is amazing, well done for taking on board what I have said! 3P Sam Amazing ideas in Literacy story planning about the Stone Age Boy. Jayden Fantastic effort in PE, easily doing 20 push ups! Super achievement – well done! 4J Kezia Great reasoning and explanations. Leon My 2nd Handwriting hero for constantly having beautiful presentation. 4S Jarrett Super contributions to class discussions, sharing facts and opinions. Joseph An example to all. He listens carefully and is always ready to work. 4F Jack A wonderful start with a hardworking and mature attitude. An excellent role model. Thomas Has coped extremely well in a new class and is always willing to have a go!