Encounter Ministry Welcome to TAPC! 01/28/2018 10:30 A.M. Worship www.encounterJesusNow.org
Gathering Music (Recorded)
Greeting One Another Passing the Peace
Call to Worship Psalm 32:1-5
Call to Worship Leader: Sing joyfully to the Lord! PEOPLE: It is fitting for the upright to praise Him. Leader: Praise the Lord with the harp;
Call to Worship PEOPLE: Make music to Him on the ten-stringed lyre. Leader: Sing to Him a new song; PEOPLE: Play skillfully, and shout for joy.
Leader: For the word of the Lord is right and true; Call to Worship Leader: For the word of the Lord is right and true; PEOPLE: He is faithful in all He does. Leader: The Lord loves righteousness and justice;
Call to Worship PEOPLE: The earth is full of His unfailing love. Leader: Friends, let us worship God. PEOPLE: Amen! Let us worship Almighty God!
Opening Prayer
Your Love Awakens Me Lion And The Lamb
Your Love Awakens Me
There were walls between us, by the cross you came and Your Love Awakens Me [ Verse ] There were walls between us, by the cross you came and Broke them down, you broke them down There were chains around us By your grace we are No longer bound, No longer bound
You called me into the light You called my name and then Your Love Awakens Me [ Pre-Chorus ] You called me out of the grave, You called me into the light You called my name and then My heart came alive
Your love awakens, awakens, awakens me Your Love Awakens Me [ Chorus ] Your love is greater, Your love is stronger Your love awakens, awakens, awakens me
Feel the darkness shaking, all the dead are coming Your Love Awakens Me [ Verse ] Feel the darkness shaking, all the dead are coming Back to life, back to life Hear the song awaken All creation singing We’re alive, cos you’re alive
You called me into the light You called my name and then Your Love Awakens Me [ Pre-Chorus ] You called me out of the grave, You called me into the light You called my name and then My heart came alive
Your love awakens, awakens, awakens me Your Love Awakens Me [ Chorus ] Your love is greater, Your love is stronger Your love awakens, awakens, awakens me
And what a love we’ve found, Death can’t hold us down We shout it out: Your Love Awakens Me [ Bridge ] And what a love we’ve found, Death can’t hold us down We shout it out: “We’re alive, cos you’re alive”
And what a love we’ve found, Death can’t hold us down We shout it out: Your Love Awakens Me [ Bridge ] And what a love we’ve found, Death can’t hold us down We shout it out: “We’re alive, cos you’re alive”
Your love awakens, awakens, awakens me Your Love Awakens Me [ Chorus ] Your love is greater, Your love is stronger Your love awakens, awakens, awakens me
Your love awakens, awakens, awakens me Your Love Awakens Me [ Chorus ] Your love is greater, Your love is stronger Your love awakens, awakens, awakens me
Your love awakens, awakens, awakens me Your Love Awakens Me [ Chorus ] Your love awakens me Your love is greater, Your love is stronger Your love awakens, awakens, awakens me
Lion And The Lamb
He is coming on the clouds Kings and kingdoms will bow down Lion And The Lamb [ Verse 1 ] He is coming on the clouds Kings and kingdoms will bow down Every chain will break As broken hearts declare His praise Who can stop the Lord Almighty
And fighting our battles And every knee will bow before Him Lion And The Lamb [ Chorus ] Our God is a Lion A Lion of Judah He’s roaring in power And fighting our battles And every knee will bow before Him Our God is a Lamb The Lamb that was slain
For the sins of the world His blood breaks the chains Lion And The Lamb [ Chorus ] For the sins of the world His blood breaks the chains And every knee will bow before the Lion and the Lamb every knee will bow before Him
The God who comes to save Is here to set the captives free Lion And The Lamb [ Verse 2 ] Open up the gate make way before king of the kings The God who comes to save Is here to set the captives free For who can stop the Lord Almighty
And fighting our battles And every knee will bow before Him Lion And The Lamb [ Chorus ] Our God is a Lion A Lion of Judah He’s roaring in power And fighting our battles And every knee will bow before Him Our God is a Lamb The Lamb that was slain
For the sins of the world His blood breaks the chains Lion And The Lamb [ Chorus ] For the sins of the world His blood breaks the chains And every knee will bow before the Lion and the Lamb every knee will bow before Him
the Lord Almighty (repeat 3) Lion And The Lamb [ Bridge ] Who can stop the Lord Almighty the Lord Almighty (repeat 3) Who can stop the Lord
Moment for Silent Prayer and Confession
(To be Prayed In Unison) Prayer of Confession (To be Prayed In Unison)
Holy God, You have saved us for a purpose: You have overcome the darkness that we might embrace the light; You have defeated evil powers to make us glad and
free. Yet we sin. We succumb to temptation and idolatry and miss opportunities You set before us. We neglect Your presence, which is as near
to us as our neighbor. Forgive our sins, O God, and teach us forgiveness. Teach us to love with determination and joy, that as children of light, we may resemble You. AMEN.
Assurance of Pardon
O Come to the Altar
Are you hurting and broken within? O Come To The Altar [Verse1] Are you hurting and broken within? Overwhelmed by the weight of you sin; Jesus is calling;
Have you come to the end of yourself? O Come To The Altar Have you come to the end of yourself? Do you thirst for a drink from the well? Jesus is calling.
The fathers arms are open wide The precious blood of Jesus Christ O Come To The Altar [Chorus] O come to The altar The fathers arms are open wide Forgiveness Was bought with The precious blood of Jesus Christ
Leave behind your regrets and mistakes; O Come To The Altar [Verse 2] Leave behind your regrets and mistakes; Come today there's no reason to wait; Jesus is calling;
Bring your sorrows and trade them for joy; O Come To The Altar Bring your sorrows and trade them for joy; From the ashes a new life is born; Jesus is calling.
The fathers arms are open wide The precious blood of Jesus Christ O Come To The Altar [Chorus] O come to The altar The fathers arms are open wide Forgiveness Was bought with The precious blood of Jesus Christ
O what a savior isn’t he wonderful O Come To The Altar [Bridge] O what a savior isn’t he wonderful Sing alleluia Christ is risen Bow down before him, for he is Lord of all
Morning Prayer, and The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, The Lord’s Prayer Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; The Lord’s Prayer And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
(Please open your Bibles) Scripture Lessons Philippians 1:1-2 Acts 16:6-40 (Please open your Bibles)
Pastoral Prayer
“They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love” (YouTube) Closing Song “They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love” (YouTube)