WLTP Open Issue Phase 1B OIL #25: Chassis dynamometer calibration –


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Presentation transcript:

WLTP Open Issue Phase 1B OIL #25: Chassis dynamometer calibration – WLTP-09-12e WLTP Open Issue Phase 1B OIL #25: Chassis dynamometer calibration – parasitic loss calibration .

OIL # 25; Chassis Dynamometer Calibration 1) Current GTR text: 2.4.2. Dynamometer parasitic loss calibration The dynamometer's parasitic losses shall be measured and updated if any measured value differs from the current loss curve by more than 2.5 N. This shall be verified upon initial installation, after major maintenance and within 35 days before testing. 2) Expert position keep GTR unchanged 3) Reasoning Tolerance guarantees high reproducibility and comparability between different chassis dynamometers and is state-of-the art.