Women’s Faculty Council Research Awards & Scholarship Featuring Research and Scholarship by OSU Students Visit http://womensfacultycouncil.okstate.edu/ for submission deadlines Women's Faculty Council Research Awards
WFC Research Awards & Scholarship Research awards: Since the early 2000s, the WFC has sponsored an annual award for research projects by OSU students. With generous support from OSU’s colleges and administrative offices, we have been able to offer a number of awards each year. Topics have ranged from literary projects in the humanities to design projects in engineering, as well as studies of Oklahoma’s environment and wildlife. Ann Ryder and Clara Smith Scholarship: In addition to the Research Awards, the WFC has sponsored an endowed scholarship established by former faculty member, Dr. Melanie Page.
Who is Eligible for a Research Award? Current OSU undergraduate students, including graduates of the current award year Current OSU graduate students, including graduates of the current award year OSU-Tulsa students If you have won one of the awards in a prior year, you are not eligible If you do not submit your application by the deadline, or it is not complete, you are not eligible
Where has the research been carried out? Research must have been conducted while the student was attending OSU Work conducted at another school is not eligible The applicant must be the sole or the primary author of the project
What Kinds of Projects Are of Interest? Students from many colleges and departments have won the Research Awards over the years—Ph.D. students, Master’s students, and Undergraduates. Research of all kinds is eligible. Many projects (but not all of them) have focused on women, and many are basic research intended to produce benefits for Oklahomans, or for society in general.
Does the research have to be completed? Preference is given to research that is already far along in the process, or completed. However, we also do not discourage applications for projects that are in the advanced planning stages. Examples: Summaries of master’s theses or doctoral dissertations Thesis or dissertation projects currently in progress (mention needs for funding, if appropriate) Research projects completed and in the process of having papers submitted to journals in appropriate disciplines, or presented at conferences. Research projects in process, especially with plans for completion and dissemination (in conferences, journals, etc.) Deleted: We will consider both works in progress or work that has completed. * I thought this was repetitive
What do I need to submit? One letter from faculty advisors, received by the deadline, is required for the project to be complete. This letter is extremely valuable in helping the review committee evaluate students’ application package Other materials include: Title and brief description of your research problem or project goal Methodology used Summary of results Description of the impact on your field of study Publication or public release plans
A Successful Application Will… Be interesting to someone who may not be a specialist in your discipline. Make the non-specialist understand what you’re doing and why it’s important. Focus on the need for your research and its importance for the overall benefit of the state, the nation, or your discipline. Avoid going into too much detail on methodology, unless the purpose of the research is to develop methodology. Include a strong letter of recommendation from your faculty advisor.
An Unsuccessful Application Was not received by the deadline Was poorly written, disorganized, or did not convey the basics of the research Did not include a letter from at least one faculty advisor. It is your responsibility to ensure that the advisor has submitted the letter on your behalf. Ask advisors well ahead of the deadline, and send them a reminder several days before the due date. They will write better letters if they have adequate time. Show them a late draft of your application Was incomplete
Women’s Faculty Council Research Awards & Scholarship Visit http://womensfacultycouncil.okstate.edu/ to submit an application and see submission deadlines, a list of sponsors, and past awardees! Women's Faculty Council Research Awards