Vocabulary Group 15
Someone captured and held prisoner captive kap tiv N danger Someone captured and held prisoner The terrorists held four captives hostage to try to force the government to meet their demands.
Easily catching on fire flammable fla muh buhl A danger Easily catching on fire At a concert, the highly flammable soundproofing foam caught on fire, injuring hundreds of fans.
jeopardy je puhr dee0 Danger N danger Danger I knew I was in jeopardy of losing my job when I arrived late after the boss had already issued a warning.
peril per uhl N danger Danger When hiking on the snow-covered mountain, we faced the perils of landslides and snowstorms.
plummet pluh muht To fall suddenly V danger To fall suddenly When the plane’s left wing was damaged, the plane plummeted to the ground, leaving passengers and crew no time to respond.
predicament pri di kuh muhnt N danger A difficult or dangerous situation When my car ran out of gas on the country road late at night, I knew I was in a predicament.
Deep suffering or difficulty woe wo N danger Deep suffering or difficulty When I got laid off from my job and used all my savings, I suffered economic woes for several months before I found a new job.
conspicuous kuhn spi kyuh wuhs A danger Obvious or in plain sight Carl’s neon-yellow shirt made him very conspicuous and easy to spot in the crowd.
detect di tekt To discover or find out V visible To discover or find out If you detect the odor of gas in your house, you should leave the house immediately and call the fire department.
To show or display publicly exhibit ig zi buht V visible To show or display publicly At the museum, a special collection of paintings from private collections were being exhibit during the month of May.
1) A bright, harsh light or 2) an angry stare glare gler N visible 1) A bright, harsh light or 2) an angry stare After rehearsing for hours, the glare of the stage lights gave me a headache.