Week 4 Vocabulary
affiliated (adj.) associated, connected SYN: attached, related, joined ANT: dissociated, unconnected affiliated
(verb) to find out SYN: discover, determine, establish ascertain
bequeath (verb) to give or pass on as an inheritance SYN: transmit, bestow, hand down bequeath
cogent (adj.) forceful, convincing, relevant, to the point SYN: persuasive, compelling ANT: weak, unconvincing, ineffective, irrelevant cogent
expunge (verb) to erase, obliterate, destroy SYN: delete, efface, annihilate ANT: insert, mark, imprint, impress expunge
malevolent (adj.) spiteful, showing ill will SYN: malicious, wicked, sinister, malignant ANT: kind, benevolent, compassionate malevolent
(noun) a remedy for all ills; cure-all; an answer to all problems SYN: universal cure, easy solution panacea
(adj.) exact, careful, attending thoroughly to details; having high moral standards, principled SYN: painstaking, meticulous, conscientious ANT: careless, negligent, remiss, dishonest scrupulous
(adj.) proud and contemptuous; showing scorn because of a feeling of superiority SYN: snobbish, patronizing, overbearing ANT: humble, meek, deferential, servile supercilious
venial (adv.) easily excused; pardonable SYN: excusable, pardonable ANT: inexcusable, unforgivable, unpardonable venial